Applicative instance for MaybeT m assumes Monad m

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-04 01:56:52

The trick is that (unlike monads) applicative functors are composable, so you don't need (applicative) transformers such as MaybeT. Instead, you can use Compose to combine two applicative functors together:

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Functor.Compose

type HaxlM = Compose Haxl Maybe

-- if you prefer to have a function for constructing values:
haxlM :: Haxl (Maybe a) -> HaxlM a
haxlM = Compose

The composition is always a proper instance of Applicative and use only the Applicative instance of their components. For example:

test = getZipList . getCompose
       $ (+) <$> Compose (ZipList [Just 1,  Nothing, Just 3])
             <*> Compose (ZipList [Nothing, Just 20, Just 30])

produces [Nothing,Nothing,Just 33].
