How do I use foreach with QDomNodeList in Qt?

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-04 01:33:18

foreach only supports the container classes, so you cannot use it with a QDomNodeList.

I'm not sure of you actual goal, but I find the QXmlSimpleReader and QXmlStreamReader to be the easiest way to deal with XML.

Edit to match question edit:

What you are trying to do looks like a prime candidate for XPath or XQuery. Take a look at the QtXmlPatterns module this will give you a set of character nodes without having to loop through all the other nodes.

foreach works with Qt Generic Containers. It doesn't look like QDomNodeList inherits from anything, so you can't use foreach.

Could you iterate through the node list and insert the nodes into a QList<QDomElement>?
