Kotlin not nullable value can be null?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-04 00:37:51

Yes, that is because you're giving it a default value. Ofcourse it will never be null. That's the whole point of a default value.

Remove ="" from constructor and you will get an error.

Edit: Found the issue. GSON uses the magic sun.misc.Unsafe class which has an allocateInstance method which is obviously considered very unsafe because what it does is skip initialization (constructors/field initializers and the like) and security checks. So there is your answer why a Kotlin non-nullable field can be null. Offending code is in com/google/gson/internal/ConstructorConstructor.java:223

Some interesting details about the Unsafe class: http://mishadoff.com/blog/java-magic-part-4-sun-dot-misc-dot-unsafe/

Try to override constructor like this:

class SomeData(
        @SerializedName("user_name") val name: String,
        @SerializedName("user_city") val city: String,
        var notNullableValue: String = "") {
    constructor() : this("","","")

Now after server response you can check the notNullableValue is not null - its empty
