AWK: extract lines if column in file 1 falls within a range declared in two columns in other file

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-03 21:53:21

The change in your data set actually modified the question greatly. You introduced an element which was used as a key and since keys have to be unique it got overwritten.

For your data set, you are better off making composite keys. Something like:

awk '
NR==FNR{ range[$3,$4,$5]; next }
    for(x in range) {
        split(x, check, SUBSEP); 
        if($1==check[1] && $2>=check[2] && $2<=check[3]) print $0
' file2 file1
chromosome position another....hundred.....columns
chr1       816 .....
chr2       816 .....
chr2       880 .....
chr2       18768

It'd be something like this, untested:

awk '
NR==FNR{ start[$3] = $4; end[$3] = $5; next }
(FNR==1) || ( ($1 in start) && ($2 >= start[$1]) && ($2 <= end[$1]) )
' file2 file1