Showing what quarter of a financial year a date is in

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-03 16:20:57

This should work:-

        WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 1  AND 3  THEN convert(char(4), YEAR(MyDate) - 1) + 'Q3'
        WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 4  AND 6  THEN convert(char(4), YEAR(MyDate) - 1) + 'Q4'
        WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 7  AND 9  THEN convert(char(4), YEAR(MyDate) - 0) + 'Q1'
        WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 10 AND 12 THEN convert(char(4), YEAR(MyDate) - 0) + 'Q2'
    END AS Quarter


MyDate        Quarter
----------    --------
2011-01-01    "2010Q3"
2011-04-01    "2010Q4"
2011-07-01    "2011Q1"
2011-10-01    "2011Q2"

This method doesn't require a CASE statement, and works for any monthly fiscal calendar.

DECLARE @firstMonthOfFiscalQ1 int = 7; --1=January
SELECT DateColumn
    , FLOOR(((12 + MONTH(DateColumn) - @firstMonthOfFiscalQ1) % 12) / 3 ) + 1 AS FiscalQuarter
    FROM SomeTable 
    WHERE 1=1;

I think it would be easiest to do this with CASE

   , CASE
         WHEN MONTH(date) BETWEEN 7 AND 9 THEN 'First Quarter'
         WHEN MONTH(date) BETWEEN 10 AND 12 THEN 'Second Quarter'
         WHEN MONTH(date) BETWEEN 1 AND 3 THEN 'Third Quarter'
         WHEN MONTH(date) BETWEEN 4 AND 6 THEN 'Fourth Quarter'
     END AS quarter
FROM Stuff

Just in case you want to do some wacky mathematical operations to avoid a case statement:

select mydate,
   convert(char(4), year(mydate) - (((DATEPART(qq, mydate) - ((DATEPART(qq, mydate) + 1) % 4) + 1) / -4) + 1)) + 
   'Q' + convert(char(1), ((DATEPART(qq, mydate) + 1) % 4) + 1) quar
from sampleData

Consider creating an equivalent of a Date Dimension table from a data warehouse. This would have one row per day for every year your data could possibly cover (start from some reasonable epoch and go forward until some reasonably far future date).

Within this table, you would have columns describing info about every day - including calendar year, half-year, quarter, month; and fiscal year, half-year, quarter.

Your report then simply joins to this table based on date to pull this info. This gives you future support for other info about dates also, and removes the responsibility of this calculation from each individual reporting query.


I found that using 'Explosion Pills' result worked, but I wanted mine to look like the answer by 'Adam Ralph', however I kept experiencing errors. I was able to work around this and created a new CASE example:

    CASE    -- Results:  2011 (Financial Year )
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 1  AND 3  THEN (YEAR(MyDate) - 1)
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 4  AND 6  THEN (year(MyDate) - 1)
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 7  AND 9  THEN (YEAR(MyDate) - 0)
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 10 AND 12 THEN (YEAR(MyDate) - 0)
    END AS FYr,

    CASE    -- Results:  Q4 (Financial Qtr)
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 7 AND 9 THEN 'Q1'
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 10 AND 12 THEN 'Q2'
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 1 AND 3 THEN 'Q3'
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 4 AND 6 THEN 'Q4'
    END AS FQtr,

    CASE    -- Results:  2011-Q4  (Financial Yr-Qtr)
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 1  AND 3  THEN concat((YEAR(MyDate) - 1), '-', 'Q3')
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 4  AND 6  THEN concat((YEAR(MyDate) - 1), '-', 'Q4')
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 7  AND 9  THEN concat((YEAR(MyDate) - 0), '-', 'Q1')
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 10 AND 12 THEN concat((YEAR(MyDate) - 0), '-', 'Q2')
    END AS FYrQtr,

    CASE    --  Results:  11-Q4   (Financial (short) Yr-Qtr)
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 1  AND 3  THEN concat((date_format(MyDate, '%y') - 1), '-', 'Q3')
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 4  AND 6  THEN concat((date_format(MyDate, '%y') - 1), '-', 'Q4')
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 7  AND 9  THEN concat((date_format(MyDate, '%y') - 0), '-', 'Q1')
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 10  AND 12  THEN concat((date_format(MyDate, '%y') - 0), '-', 'Q2')
    END AS FYrQtr,

    CASE    --  Results:  2011-2012/Q4  (Financial Range Yr/Qtr)
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 1  AND 3  THEN concat(YEAR(MyDate) - 1,'-', YEAR(MyDate), '/', 'Q3')
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 4  AND 6  THEN concat(YEAR(MyDate) - 1,'-', YEAR(MyDate),  '/', 'Q4')
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 7  AND 9  THEN concat(YEAR(MyDate) - 0,'-', YEAR(MyDate) + 1,  '/', 'Q1')
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 10  AND 12  THEN concat(YEAR(MyDate) - 0,'-', YEAR(MyDate) + 1,  '/', 'Q2')
    END AS FRangeQtr,

    CASE    --  Results:  11-12/Q4  (Financial Range (short) Yr/Qtr)
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 1  AND 3  THEN concat((date_format(MyDate, '%y') - 1),'-', (date_format(MyDate, '%y')), '/', 'Q3')
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 4  AND 6  THEN concat((date_format(MyDate, '%y') - 1),'-', (date_format(MyDate, '%y')), '/', 'Q4')
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 7  AND 9  THEN concat((date_format(MyDate, '%y') - 0),'-', (date_format(MyDate, '%y') + 1), '/', 'Q1')
            WHEN MONTH(MyDate) BETWEEN 10  AND 12  THEN concat((date_format(MyDate, '%y') - 0),'-', (date_format(MyDate, '%y') + 1), '/', 'Q2')
    END AS FRangeQtr2,

I am adding my answer hoping it will help someone else who comes via Google and experiences issues.

A few years late to the game, but here's my quick-easy-clean method for Australians using GetDate(). Even your accounting calendar is upside-down :)

SELECT CHOOSE(MONTH(GetDate()),'3Q','3Q','3Q','4Q','4Q','4Q','1Q','1Q','1Q','2Q','2Q','2Q') AS AccountingQuarter

The SQL choose command takes the month of the date as the parameter, then chooses from the 12 available options. Of course, most other systems would start with 1Q/Q1 in the first choice.

Maybe I don't understand the question but the accepted answer does not seem correct. Financial quarter depends on which month the financial year starts, so it will always (?) be a calculation with 2 dates.

Here's what worked for me, no case statement:

CEILING((DATEDIFF(MONTH, FinYearStartDate, MonthStartDate)) / 3) + 1
    WHEN MONTH(MyDate) IN (1,2,3)  THEN convert(char(4), YEAR(MyDate) - 1) + 'Q3'
    WHEN MONTH(MyDate) IN (4,5,6)  THEN convert(char(4), YEAR(MyDate) - 1) + 'Q4'
    WHEN MONTH(MyDate) IN (7,8,9)  THEN convert(char(4), YEAR(MyDate) - 0) + 'Q1'
    WHEN MONTH(MyDate) IN (10,11,12) THEN convert(char(4), YEAR(MyDate) - 0) + 'Q2'
END AS Quarter  FROM MyTable

The above answers do not consider the final month of the quarter

eg. between 1 and 3 will only return months 1 and 2...

SELECT Opendate,Month(Opendate),
       (CASE WHEN (Month(Opendate)/6.0)<=1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END) HALF_YEAR 
FROM TableName where Opendate <> '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000'

Here's an alternative to the accepted answer:

declare @tbl table (MyDate datetime)
insert into @tbl values ('2011-01-01')
insert into @tbl values ('2011-04-01')
insert into @tbl values ('2011-07-01')
insert into @tbl values ('2011-10-01')

FROM @tbl


MyDate     Quarter
---------- -------
2011-01-01 2010Q3
2011-04-01 2010Q4
2011-07-01 2011Q1
2011-10-01 2011Q2

This works even if MyDate is something like August 31 - if you subtract 6 months from 8/31 in SQL, you get 2/28 (although 2/31 doesn't exist, MSSQL still knows you probably want the last day of the month). Since the quarter is based on the month of the year, this approach works.

This code converts date to year and month, which is beginning of a quarter.

DATEADD(quarter, DATEDIFF(quarter, 0, @date), 0) year_and_first_month_of_quarter

So the months will be always:
Good thing about it - result is in datetime format.

declare @sdate date='2017-12-01'
declare @edate date='2018-07-01'

;with rs as
   select   1 [QNum],@sdate StDT
   union all 
   select [QNum]+1, DATEADD(qq,1,stdt)   from rs where [QNum]<=datediff(qq,@sdate,@edate)
select QNum, convert(varchar(10),StDT,105) StDT,convert(varchar(10),dateAdd(m,3,DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(qq,DATEDIFF(qq, 0, stdt) + 1, 0))),105)EndDT from rs

--select left(datename(mm,s),3) + ' ' +cast(year(s) as varchar) from rs

We already have a sysDate table that contains dates from Jan 1, 1900 to Dec 31, 2030 that we use for processing. We were asked to do fiscal year handling, and so we modified our table to include FiscalYearString varchar(9), FiscalYear int and FiscalQuarter int columns.

The script we use to update these columns is this:

DECLARE @StartingMonthOfFiscalYear INT = 4 -- 1-Jan, 2-Feb, 3-Mar, 4-Apr, 5-May, 6-Jun, 7-Jul, 8-Aug, 9-Sep, 10-Oct, 11-Nov, 12-Dec

UPDATE sysDate
SET FiscalYear = CASE WHEN MONTH([Date]) < @StartingMonthOfFiscalYear 
                        THEN YEAR([Date])-1 
                        ELSE YEAR([Date]) END,
    FiscalYearString = CASE WHEN MONTH([Date]) < @StartingMonthOfFiscalYear 
                        THEN CAST(YEAR([Date])-1 AS Varchar(4))+'/'+CAST(YEAR([Date]) AS Varchar(4)) 
                        ELSE CAST(YEAR([Date]) AS Varchar(4))+'/'+CAST(YEAR([Date])+1 AS Varchar(4)) END,
    FiscalQuarter = CASE WHEN MONTH([Date]) < @StartingMonthOfFiscalYear 
                        THEN ((MONTH([Date]) + 12 - @StartingMonthOfFiscalYear) / 3) + 1 
                        ELSE ((MONTH([Date]) - @StartingMonthOfFiscalYear) / 3) + 1 END

This updates over 47,000 rows in less than 1 second, saving us from having to recalculate every time we need it.


I went looking for an answer today and decided that I should post my solution as it avoids a CASE statement:

select DATEPART(Quarter,dateadd(m,6,YourDate))/* add six months to move to FY */ qq

This is written for the Australian Financial year which is six months adjusted, you can see what I'm doing from this.

it may helps someone

declare @dt uddt
select @dt=getdate()

select  case when month(@dt) between 1 and 3 then 'Q4' 
when month(@dt) between 4 and 6 then 'Q1'
when month(@dt) between 6 and 9 then 'Q2'
when month(@dt) between 9 and 12 then'Q3'
end as [Quarter] ,DATEADD(quarter, DATEDIFF(quarter, 0, @dt), 0) 
DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(q,DATEDIFF(q, 0, @dt) + 1, 0)) 