Unreachable security context using Feign RequestInterceptor

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-03 14:22:34

I managed to figure it out, thanks to the article I found here

Firstly you need to initiliaze HystrixRequestContext HystrixRequestContext.initializeContext();.

You have to create your own Context in which you will store information you need to pass to Hystrix child threads.

Here is example:

public class UserHystrixRequestContext {

    private static final HystrixRequestVariableDefault<User> userContextVariable = new HystrixRequestVariableDefault<>();

    private UserHystrixRequestContext() {}

    public static HystrixRequestVariableDefault<User> getInstance() {
        return userContextVariable;

You have to register new concurrency strategy that would wrap Callable interface

public class CustomHystrixConcurrencyStrategy extends HystrixConcurrencyStrategy {

    public CustomHystrixConcurrencyStrategy() {

    public <T> Callable<T> wrapCallable(Callable<T> callable) {
        return new HystrixContextWrapper<T>(callable);

    public static class HystrixContextWrapper<V> implements Callable<V> {

        private HystrixRequestContext hystrixRequestContext;
        private Callable<V> delegate;

        public HystrixContextWrapper(Callable<V> delegate) {
        this.hystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext.getContextForCurrentThread();
            this.delegate = delegate;

        public V call() throws Exception {
            HystrixRequestContext existingState = HystrixRequestContext.getContextForCurrentThread();
            try {
                return this.delegate.call();
            } finally {

So before calling Callable object we set new thread's Context to parent's context.

After that is done you should be able to access your new defined context inside Hystrix child threads

User = UserHystrixRequestContext.getInstance().get();

Hope that will help someone.
