I am currently working on a project when you play song. it's play in your another device which is automatically play in another android device connected through WiFi or WiFi-mobile hotspot.
How to stream audio android device to vlc player.
I got Some Help from [Here's a link!]
I go through many link bt none of help me.
I want build functionality like [Sound Seeder soundseeder].
Someone have any solution then please help me. It's mine for me.
For Video Streaming Using Wi-Fi Direct I Found
https://github.com/doronz/VirtualFrontView Using Libstremming Library
But It's not work on client side
- From this blog
https://code.google.com/p/rxwen-blog-stuff/source/browse/trunk/android/streaming_audio/ send and receive STREAM
But Audio is not clear at receive time and not working for mp3
Here's a link! this demo project play music synchronously on multiple android devices. thanks Bryan.