OpenCV Haar Classifier result table explanation

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-03 12:38:10

Searching for "HR" in the OpenCV source leads us to this file. Lines 1703-1707 inside CvCascadeBoost::isErrDesired print the table:

cout << "|"; cout.width(4); cout << right << weak->total;
cout << "|"; cout.width(9); cout << right << hitRate;
cout << "|"; cout.width(9); cout << right << falseAlarm;
cout << "|" << endl;
cout << "+----+---------+---------+" << endl;

So HR and FA stand for hit rate and false alarm. Conceptually: hitRate = % of positive samples that are classified correctly as such. falseAlarm = % of negative samples incorrectly classified as positive.

Reading the code for CvCascadeBoost::train, we can see the following while loop

cout << "+----+---------+---------+" << endl;
cout << "| N  | HR      | FA      |" << endl;
cout << "+----+---------+---------+" << endl;

while( !isErrDesired() && (weak->total < params.weak_count) );

Just looking at this, and not knowing much about the specifics of boosting, we can make the educated guess that training works until error is low enough, as measured by falseAlarm.
