Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 255

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-03 11:09:28

That happened because of JPG images in assets catalog, so I imported jpg images directly in the project, and now it works

I had the same issue with Xcode V7b6 and JPG images in assets. Strangely this was working for some JPGs but not for others.

Then I've looked at the JPGs and their color profile, exif data and other meta stuff and indeed removing these data (via GraphicConverter) solved it for us and Xcode now builds fine.

Pdf files in image assets will cause this error. I use png files for @1x @2x @3x images and Xcode works fine.

This error happened with me because the image name contained some unsupported characters (it was saved by Xcode as c71a25e%2FÍcone-XPTO Imagem - 120x120.png, even when placed in .xcassets).

Changing the image name solved this error for me.

Sometimes you should uncheck de "alpha" option to export your png images to Xcode. That solve my problem.

Open "Preview" app - File - Export - Uncheck "alpha" option, then replace your old images in Xcode project.

I was experiencing this issue as well, and replaced the XC Assets with plain .JPG files. Solved it for me.

However, I just installed the GM seed release of Xcode 7 and built with the XC assets catalog, and am no longer experiencing the error. So it appears to have been fixed.

For all beta versions of Xcode you should go to Preferences->Locations and make sure that the command line tools point to the right version & that the Derived data and Archives point in a different folder that stable Xcode is

Had this actool error building a simple Sticker Pack in Xcode 8 Beta 6.

Seems to be a known error with animated stickers that should be fixed soon.

Simple restart of Xcode fixed the error for me.
