I've been trying to get this working with no luck. I've been referencing these resources for help:
Basically i just want to allow my filter to apply to more than a single column, without implementing code to handle every column. (Some datatables have 20+ columns!)
Example Code:
<input type='text' placeholder='Filter' (keyup)='updateFilter($event.target.value)' />
public items: Item[];
updateFilter(filterValue) {
const lowerValue = filterValue.toLowerCase();
this.filteredList = this.items.filter(item => item.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(lowerValue) !== -1 || !lowerValue);
Here I am obviously just handling filtering for the 'name' property of my items array. This works great as is, but like I had mentioned, if the grid contains many columns I'd like one method to handle all of them. Any help or tips are appreciated.
Using the example TS file for filtering (https://github.com/swimlane/ngx-datatable/blob/master/demo/basic/filter.component.ts) as a foundation, I was able to successfully make it filter all columns dynamically (it will filter all columns without the need to specify them). I've included what I believe to be all the necessary parts for this to work but also trimmed the code down as much as I could to make it easier to understand.
class="material striped scroll-vertical"
<input type="text" (keyup)='filterDatatable($event)'>
cols = [{name:'First Name'},{name:'Last Name'},{name:'Address'}];
data = [];
filteredData = [];
// dummy data for datatable rows
dummyData = [
{firstName:'Cersei',lastName:'Lannister',address:'Kings Landing'},
{firstName:'Brienne',lastName:'Tarth',address:'Sapphire Island'},
{firstName:'Lyanna',lastName:'Mormont',address:'Bear Island'},
// populate datatable rows
this.data = this.dummyData;
// copy over dataset to empty object
this.filteredData = this.dummyData;
// filters results
// get the value of the key pressed and make it lowercase
let val = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
// get the amount of columns in the table
let colsAmt = this.cols.length;
// get the key names of each column in the dataset
let keys = Object.keys(this.dummyData[0]);
// assign filtered matches to the active datatable
this.data = this.filteredData.filter(function(item){
// iterate through each row's column data
for (let i=0; i<colsAmt; i++){
// check for a match
if (item[keys[i]].toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val){
// found match, return true to add to result set
return true;
// whenever the filter changes, always go back to the first page
this.table.offset = 0;
here is an example of your code with multiple columns filtering:
updateFilter(filter: string): void {
const val = filter.trim().toLowerCase();
this.filteredList = this.items.slice().filter((item: any) => {
let searchStr = '';
for (let i = 0; i < this.gridProperties.FilteredColumns.length; i++) {
searchStr += (item[this.gridProperties.FilteredColumns[i]]).toString().toLowerCase();
return searchStr.indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val;
If I did not made any errors, it should work correctly.
updateFilter(event) {
const val = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
const temp = this.temp.filter(index => {
return (index.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 ||
index.company.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 ||
index.gender.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 ||
this.company = temp;
this.table.offset = 0;
import { DatatableComponent } from '@swimlane/ngx-datatable';
ViewChild(DatatableComponent) table: DatatableComponent;
updateFilter(event) {
const val = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
var returnData: any;
// filter our data
const temp = this.temp.filter(function (d) {
if (d.yourFirstColumnName.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val) {
returnData = d.user_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val;
} else if (d.yourSecondColumnName.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val) {
returnData = d.notes_title.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val;
return returnData;
<input placeholder="Search Order" (keyup)='updateFilter($event)'>
This answer improves an existing answer by Cole Paciano :
- Column names to be searched are only created once and not whenever a key is pressed
- Cell with
values are correctly handled (no console errors) - Full rows are shown (because filter is apply to row array)
- Column names to be searched can also be specified by hand to only include some of them (exclude guids, ids, etc)
In the template (html) file add an input with a keyup
<input type="text" (keyup)='filterDatatable($event)'>
rowHeight ="35">
In the component add the following filteredData
and columnsWithSearch
export class ListParkingsComponent implements OnInit {
columns = [];
rows = [];
filteredData = [];
columnsWithSearch : string[] = [];
ngOnInit() {
this.rows = getData() ; //recover data from API/database/datasource
this.filteredData = this.rows;
// for specific columns to be search instead of all you can list them by name
this.columnsWithSearch = Object.keys(this.rows[0]);
getData() {
//your current logic to fill the rows of the table
// filters results
// get the value of the key pressed and make it lowercase
let filter = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
// assign filtered matches to the active datatable
this.rows = this.filteredData.filter(item => {
// iterate through each row's column data
for (let i = 0; i < this.columnsWithSearch.length; i++){
var colValue = item[this.columnsWithSearch[i]] ;
// if no filter OR colvalue is NOT null AND contains the given filter
if (!filter || (!!colValue && colValue.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1)) {
// found match, return true to add to result set
return true;
// TODO - whenever the filter changes, always go back to the first page
//this.table.offset = 0;