How to use collect call in Java 8?

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-03 09:39:46

The issue is that Collectors.toList, not surprisingly, returns a List<T>. Not an ArrayList.

List<Long> ids =

Program to the interface.

From the documentation:

Returns a Collector that accumulates the input elements into a new List. There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the List returned; if more control over the returned List is required, use toCollection(Supplier).

Emphasis mine - you cannot even assume that the List returned is mutable, let alone that it is of a specific class. If you want an ArrayList:

ArrayList<Long> ids =

Note also, that it is customary to use import static with the Java 8 Stream API so adding:

import static;

(I hate starred import static, it does nothing but pollute the namespace and add confusion. But selective import static, especially with the Java 8 utility classes, can greatly reduce redundant code)

Would result in:

ArrayList<Long> ids =

I use a lot of collector blocks where I create an empty Array and fill it using a loop so I decided I need a utility class of my own not to write the same lines again ad again, here it is:

public class Collections {

    public static <T, O> List<T> collect(Set<O> items, Function<? super O, ? extends T> mapper) {



and use it like this

List<Product> prods = Collections.collect(basket.getOrderItems(), OrderItem::getProduct);

or like this

List<Long> prods = Collections.collect(basket.getOrderItems(), (item)->item.getProduct().getId());

Though it might look like much more easier to read, it seems streams are a little slower in these kind of scenarios, look here
