Is the complete list of AngularDart directives documented somewhere? I understand that this list is subject to change, given the rapid evolution in AngularDart.
Here is what I have found:
- The classes implementing the directives are listed in the angular.directive library API documentation page.
- The list of event directives can be found in the angular.directive/NgEventDirective class Dartdoc.
Here is the list of (non-event) directives extracted from the source as of 2014-02-02:
[ng-attr-*] [ng-model][ng-required]
[ng-bind-html] [ng-model][pattern]
[ng-bind-template] [ng-model][required]
[ng-bind] [ng-multiple]
[ng-checked] [ng-non-bindable]
[ng-class-even] [ng-open]
[ng-class-odd] [ng-pluralize]
[ng-class] [ng-readonly]
[ng-cloak] [ng-repeat]
[ng-disabled] [ng-required]
[ng-form] [ng-selected]
[ng-hide] [ng-shallow-repeat]
[ng-href] [ng-show]
[ng-if] [ng-src]
[ng-include] [ng-srcset]
[ng-model] [ng-style]
[ng-model][maxlength] [ng-switch-default]
[ng-model][minlength] [ng-switch-when]
[ng-model][ng-maxlength] [ng-switch]
[ng-model][ng-minlength] [ng-unless]
And here is the list of event directives:
[ng-abort] [ng-keyup]
[ng-beforecopy] [ng-load]
[ng-beforecut] [ng-mousedown]
[ng-beforepaste] [ng-mouseenter]
[ng-blur] [ng-mouseleave]
[ng-change] [ng-mousemove]
[ng-click] [ng-mouseout]
[ng-contextmenu] [ng-mouseover]
[ng-copy] [ng-mouseup]
[ng-cut] [ng-mousewheel]
[ng-doubleclick] [ng-paste]
[ng-drag] [ng-reset]
[ng-dragend] [ng-scroll]
[ng-dragenter] [ng-search]
[ng-dragleave] [ng-select]
[ng-dragover] [ng-selectstart]
[ng-dragstart] [ng-speechchange]
[ng-drop] [ng-submit]
[ng-error] [ng-toucheancel]
[ng-focus] [ng-touchend]
[ng-fullscreenchange] [ng-touchenter]
[ng-fullscreenerror] [ng-touchleave]
[ng-input] [ng-touchmove]
[ng-invalid] [ng-touchstart]
[ng-keydown] [ng-transitionend]
I am working on a better list and will post back as soon as it is available.