What data structure is best suited for VirtualStringTree?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-03 08:12:12

OK, because given answers didn't solved my issues I've written my own tree data structure which imitates TVirtualStringTree and handles all the problems I mentioned in my question. Now I can optionally use only my data structure and all the changes in it will automatically update the VirtualStringTree. I think I will upload source code somewhere later and post the link here. Thanks for all the answers.

EDIT: I've uploaded source to the Google code: svTrees. There is a little demo that shows how it works.

You haven't specified your Delphi version, so:

I suggest using records(I'm not sure in which version of Delphi they added methods for records, I moved from D7 to D2010) so you can have something like:

  TMyRecordWithMethods = record
    function GetMeAResult: Integer;
    procedure DoSomething(const AInParam: Integer; var AOutParam: Integer);

if your version of Delphi does not support records with methods and you really need methods for nodes, then you will have to use objects to accomplish this, also have a look at generics.

Since you will only need to hold a few thousand items, I suggest using generics(no need to reinvent the wheel IMHO) i.e.

uses ..., Generics.Collections;

  TMyNode = class(TObject)// you can leave this out if you like
    MyIntList: TList<Integer>; // you can do lookups, you have to implement your own saving/loading methods
    MyStringList: TStringList or TList<string>; // you can do lookups in both cases, use TStringList for save/load of data

Now I assume that you would like to store all items from the virtual tree and load them later, you can do this by defining your own file structure, i.e.

  TMyFileHeader = record
    CountItems: Integer; // number of items in the tree

  szMyFileHeader = SizeOf(TMyFileHeader);

  TMyItemEntry = record
    CountInt: Integer; // number of integer values

  szMyItemEntry = SizeOf(TMyItemEntry);

now you will need to implement the load and save, I suggest saving and loading using TFileStream -- very straightforward,

pseudo code, sorry not time for partial code :-\

a) saving the content:

  • save the number of items in a TMyFileHeader variable and write it to file

  • for each item in the tree, save the integer list, save the string list

b) loading the content:

  • read file header -- so that you know how many items you need to read from the file

  • do a for Index := 0 to Count -1 read the item from the file

Note: that you can save the string list from each item directly to the current position in the file stream, however it would be wise to save it directly by using:

FileStream.WriteBuffer(PChar(AStringList.Text)^, Length(AStringList.Text) * SizeOf(Char));

I hope this helps, the actual implementation of the code is up to you, have fun!!

You can use a TXMLDocument.

If you want more control over what you put in there I would suggest that you create a xsd describing the structure you want and use the XML Data Binding Wizard to generate Delphi code that you can use.

This schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <xs:complexType name="itemType">
            <xs:element name="id" type="xs:int"/>
            <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="itemlist" type="itemlistType" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:complexType name="itemlistType">
            <xs:element name="item" type="itemType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:element name="root">
                <xs:element name="itemlist" type="itemlistType"/>

will give you these interfaces to work with in delphi

  IXMLRoot = interface(IXMLNode)
    { Property Accessors }
    function Get_Itemlist: IXMLItemlistType;
    { Methods & Properties }
    property Itemlist: IXMLItemlistType read Get_Itemlist;

{ IXMLItemlistType }

  IXMLItemlistType = interface(IXMLNodeCollection)
    { Property Accessors }
    function Get_Item(Index: Integer): IXMLItemType;
    { Methods & Properties }
    function Add: IXMLItemType;
    function Insert(const Index: Integer): IXMLItemType;
    property Item[Index: Integer]: IXMLItemType read Get_Item; default;

{ IXMLItemType }

  IXMLItemType = interface(IXMLNode)
    { Property Accessors }
    function Get_Id: Integer;
    function Get_Name: WideString;
    function Get_Itemlist: IXMLItemlistType;
    procedure Set_Id(Value: Integer);
    procedure Set_Name(Value: WideString);
    { Methods & Properties }
    property Id: Integer read Get_Id write Set_Id;
    property Name: WideString read Get_Name write Set_Name;
    property Itemlist: IXMLItemlistType read Get_Itemlist;