I am new to Gerrit and want to create a new Patch when new changes are submitted. I setup Gerrit with this guide https://review.typo3.org/Documentation/install-quick.html
Then I try to create a new patch with http://gerrit.googlecode.com/svn/documentation/2.0/user-changeid.html and also added Change-Id
line at bottom of the Commit-message.
But I am getting new Change instead of new Patchset. Can anyone help me?
Step 1: Install commit-msg hooks for gerrit
scp -p -P 29418 localhost:hooks/commit-msg .git/hooks/
Step 2: Create normal commit and push (for Patchset1)
for example:
git add Server.java
git commit -m "server added"
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
Step 3: After doing some changes to Server.java
Finally to create new Patchset (Patchset 2)
git add Server.java
git commit --amend
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
Repeat step 3 for further Patches
Don't add the Change-Id on your own. Install the commit-msg hook as described here. This will automatically create the Change-Id for you.
If you want to improve a patch by uploading a new patch-set, use git-commit --amend
and keep the Change-Id line as it is.
You can see a description of the workflow here: http://wiki.typo3.org/Contribution_Walkthrough_with_CommandLine
Even if you add Change id manually it should be last paragraph of your commit message.
And the syntax should be :
change ID : [change ID ]