How to force Apache 2.2 to send the full certificate chain?

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-03 06:59:09

You are on the right track.

SSLCertificateFile server.crt      >> Your public certificate
SSLCertificateKeyFile server.key   >> Your private key
SSLCertificateChainFile chain.crt  >> List of intermediate certificates;
                                 in your case, only one - GoDaddy intermediate CA

Check your server configuration with a tool like SSL Labs to determine if you are sending the correct intermediate certificate.

You can also use the SSLCACertificatePath directive and put the original .crt files into the directory specified. However, you also have to create hash symlinks to them. This is done with the c_rehash tool, which is part of openssl. For example,

sudo c_rehash /etc/apache2/ssl/certs

However, note that there are two hash algorithms in use. The new one was introduced with openssl 1.0 and it's necessary to re-run c_rehash after upgrading openssl to 1.0 or later. This will create both old-style and new-style symlinks.

If you don't do this, openssl (and therefore apache) won't be able to find the intermediate certificates and so they won't be sent to the client. I spent a frustrating few hours debugging SSL errors after upgrading an Ubuntu server from Lucid to Precise, which had included an upgrade of openssl from 0.9.8 to 1.0.1. I searched but couldn't find any clues on the web about what was going wrong, so had to figure it out myself.

For the record, we weren't getting errors in the browser because it has a bigger set of roots and one of our intermediate certificates must have been in that set. The problem only showed up when using openssl-based command-line programs such as wget, curl and openssl s_client.
