How can I reorganize an existing folder hierarchy with CarrierWave?

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-03 06:34:16

WARNING: This is untested, so please don't use on production before testing it out.

Here's the thing, once you change the contents of 'store_dir', all your old uploads will become missing. You know this already. Interacting with S3 directly seems like the most obvious way of solving this, since carrierwave doesn't have a move function.

One thing that might work, would be to re-'store' your uploads and change the 'store_dir' path in the 'before :store' callback.

In your uploader:

#Use the old uploads directory so carriewave knows where the original upload is
def store_dir

before :store, :swap_out_store_dir

def swap_out_store_dir
  self.class_eval do
    def store_dir

And then run a script like this:

MyClass.all.each do |image|
  image.image.cache! #create a local cache so that store! has something to store!

After this, verify that the files have been copied to the correct locations. You'll then have to delete the old upload files. Also, remove the one time use uploader code above and replace it with your new store_dir path:

def store_dir
  "uploads/#{model.class.to_s.underscore}/#{mounted_as}/#{} "

I haven't tested this out, so I can't guarantee it will work. Please use test data first to see if it works and comment here if you've had any success.
