Nested template argument deduction for class templates not working

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-03 06:29:41

Piotr's answer correctly explains what is happening - the move constructor is a better match than your constructor template.

But (h/t T.C. as usual) there's a better fix than just writing a factory anyway: you can add an explicit deduction guide to handle the wrapping:

template <class R>
Reverse(Reverse<R> ) -> Reverse<Reverse<R>>;

The point of this is to override the copy deduction candidate, thanks to the newly added preference in [] for this:

Given these definitions, a viable function F1 is defined to be a better function than another viable function F2 if [...] F1 is generated from a deduction-guide ( and F2 is not.

Hence, we'd have four generated functions, borrowing again from Piotr's naming:

template <typename Rng>
Reverse<Rng> foo(const Rng& r);             // #1

template <typename Rng>
Reverse<Rng> foo(const Reverse<Rng>& r);    // #2

template <typename Rng>
Reverse<Rng> foo(Reverse<Rng>&& r);         // #3

template <typename Rng>
Reverse<Reverse<Rng>> foo(Reverse<Rng> r);  // #4 - same-ish as #2/3, but deduction guide

Before, #3 was preferred as being more specialized. Now, #4 is preferred as being a deduction guide. So, we can still write:

for (auto const& elem : Reverse(Reverse(my_stack))) {
    std::cout << elem << ',';    

and that works.

This may be explained in [over.match.class.deduct]/p1:

A set of functions and function templates is formed comprising:

  • For each constructor of the class template designated by the template-name, a function template with the following properties:
  • The template parameters are the template parameters of the class template followed by the template parameters (including default template arguments) of the constructor, if any.

  • The types of the function parameters are those of the constructor.

  • The return type is the class template specialization designated by the template-name and template arguments corresponding to the template parameters obtained from the class template.

My understanding is that the compiler invents the following two functions (two - including a copy constructor that is implicitly generated for this class):

template <typename Rng>
Reverse<Rng> foo(const Rng& r);           // #1

template <typename Rng>
Reverse<Rng> foo(const Reverse<Rng>& r);  // #2

and then tries to select the best overload based on the call:


which resolves to #2 because this one is more specialized. The conclusion is that:


involves a copy constructor to construct the outer Reverse instance.
