How to Programmatically take Snapshot of Crawled Webpages (in Ruby)?

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-03 05:06:17

This really depends on your operating system. What you need is a way to hook into a web browser and save that to an image.

If you are on a Mac - I would imagine your best bet would be to use MacRuby (or RubyCocoa - although I believe this is going to be deprecated in the near future) and then to use the WebKit framework to load the page and render it as an image.

This is definitely possible, for inspiration you may wish to look at the Paparazzi! and webkit2png projects.

Another option, which isn't dependent on the OS, might be to use the BrowserShots API.

There is no built in library in Ruby for rendering a web page.

as viewed by.... ie? firefox? opera? one of the myriad webkit engines?

if only it were possible to automate :)

Use selenium-rc, it comes with snapshot capabilities.

With jruby you can use SWT's browser library.
