I want to run R on a remote box under a local Emacs (I do not want to run Emacs on the remote box).
I can run R on a remote host using TRAMP:
(let ((default-directory "/user@remote:~"))
and everything works fine except that when the connection to remote
is lost, R dies. This is no good because this means that I have to re-load all the data into R after restarting it, which takes time.
Is it possible to tell TRAMP to use a persistent terminal? (GNU Screen or tmux or Mosh or dtach)
See also emacs-devel thread tramp:sshx:(screen|tmux).
Here is how to use ESS with R running in a remote screen session:
ssh to the remote host (outside of emacs)
start screen session
detach it
open shell in emacs (
M-x shell
)ssh to the remote host again in the emacs shell
resume the screen session (
screen -r
)start R
finally attach ESS to the R process using
M-x ess-remote
in the shell buffer where you started R
There are more details, screenshots, and keybindings in this post http://blog.nguyenvq.com/2010/07/11/using-r-ess-remote-with-screen-in-emacs/
Here is an alternative approach using dtach:
(defvar R-remote-host "remote-server")
(defvar R-remote-session "R")
(defvar R-remote-directory "~")
(defun R-remote (&optional remote-host session directory)
"Connect to the remote-host's dtach session running R."
(interactive (list
(read-from-minibuffer "R remote host: " R-remote-host)
(read-from-minibuffer "R remote session: " R-remote-session)
(read-from-minibuffer "R remote directory: " R-remote-directory)))
(pop-to-buffer (make-comint (concat "remote-" session)
"ssh" nil "-t" "-t" remote-host
"cd" directory ";"
"dtach" "-A" (concat ".dtach-" session)
"-z" "-E" "-r" "none"
inferior-R-program-name "--no-readline"
(ess-remote (process-name (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))) "R")
(setq comint-process-echoes t))
Call M-x R-remote RET RET RET RET.
It works for me.
PS. The answer to the problem (as opposed to the question as asked) is to use ein with Jupyter.