

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-02-20 01:12:36
这些命令将让您的Linux使用体验更简单……或者,至少更有趣。 Linux世界中包含着无数令人印象深刻的免费与开源工具,大家能够利用其完成自己甚至从未想到过的功能。在今天的文章中,我们将分享七项您可能从未听说,但却相当出色的工具——从文件系统监控到运行可重新连接ssh会话皆在其中。 Linux世界中包含着无数令人印象深刻的免费与开源工具,大家能够利用其完成自己甚至从未想到过的功能。在今天的文章中,我们将分享七项您可能从未听说,但却相当出色的工具——从文件系统监控到运行可重新连接ssh会话皆在其中。 如果大家以ssh方式接入Linux主机并需要长时间执行操作,例如软件编程,那么您可能会丢失连接并因此退出登录。在这种情况下,tmux能够帮上大忙——tmux是一款终端复用器,它允许大家在同一终端的各程序之间轻松切换,将其断开(程序仍运行在后台当中)并重新附加至其它终端当中。正因为如此,tmux已经成为众多Linux系统管理员的必备工具。 如果大家以ssh方式接入Linux主机并需要长时间执行操作,例如软件编程,那么您可能会丢失连接并因此退出登录。在这种情况下,tmux能够帮上大忙——tmux是一款终端复用器,它允许大家在同一终端的各程序之间轻松切换,将其断开(程序仍运行在后台当中)并重新附加至其它终端当中。正因为如此,tmux已经成为众多Linux系统管理员的必备工具。 多年以来


情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-02-18 03:13:40
文章链接 Tmux是一个优秀的终端复用软件,类似GNU Screen,但来自于OpenBSD,采用BSD授权。使用它最直观的好处就是,通过一个终端登录远程主机并运行tmux后,在其中可以开启多个控制台而无需再“浪费”多余的终端来连接这台远程主机;是BSD实现的Screen替代品,相对于Screen,它更加先进:支持屏幕切分,而且具备丰富的命令行参数,使其可以灵活、动态的进行各种布局和操作。对于Tmux的使用,可以参考: Tmux终端复用详解 1)Tmux功能: - 提供了强劲的、易于使用的命令行界面。 - 可横向和纵向分割窗口。 - 窗格可以自由移动和调整大小,或直接利用四个预设布局之一。 - 支持 UTF-8 编码及 256 色终端。 - 可在多个缓冲区进行复制和粘贴。 - 可通过交互式菜单来选择窗口、会话及客户端。 - 支持跨窗口搜索。 - 支持自动及手动锁定窗口。 2)Tmux安装 a

weird space before prompt using tmux on Mac OS Lion

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-02-17 15:15:13
问题 it just happened on my Lion system, I am using zsh with tmux normal in the zsh shell double space in tmux screen am I missing some config in zsh or tmux? 回答1: Start tmux with the -u option for unicode functionality. See this issue. From man tmux : -u tmux attempts to guess if the terminal is likely to support UTF-8 by checking the first of the LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG environment variables to be set for the string "UTF-8". This is not always correct: the -u flag explicitly informs tmux that

weird space before prompt using tmux on Mac OS Lion

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2021-02-17 15:14:42
问题 it just happened on my Lion system, I am using zsh with tmux normal in the zsh shell double space in tmux screen am I missing some config in zsh or tmux? 回答1: Start tmux with the -u option for unicode functionality. See this issue. From man tmux : -u tmux attempts to guess if the terminal is likely to support UTF-8 by checking the first of the LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG environment variables to be set for the string "UTF-8". This is not always correct: the -u flag explicitly informs tmux that

Key bindings to send lines of test code with tmux+vim?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-02-11 14:26:44
问题 I am trying to create an ide-like setup with tmux + vim . I've seen a lot written about this on the internet, but I've been unable to figure out how to do one critical thing: execute test lines of code. For example, you may create a tmux session with a vim pane for writing code and a python pane for executing tests, like so: # Create a new Tmux session. session="ide" tmux start-server tmux new-session -d -s $session -n ide # Split the pane horizontally and launch vim. tmux selectp -t 1 tmux

How to have tmux prompt me for the status-left text to display?

流过昼夜 提交于 2021-02-10 04:14:57
问题 I want to change status bar left message to anything I type. Just like when I press Ctrl+B F I have this prompt in status bar : (find-window) I'd like to press, say Ctrl+B E and have a prompt like : (status-left) Then on Enter the text I've typed would be assigned to status-left. I DON'T want to have to call a shell script that would print the prompt in the shell window and print entered value (is that even possible?), I want the prompt to happen in the status bar itself. How should I go with

How to have tmux prompt me for the status-left text to display?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2021-02-10 04:13:49
问题 I want to change status bar left message to anything I type. Just like when I press Ctrl+B F I have this prompt in status bar : (find-window) I'd like to press, say Ctrl+B E and have a prompt like : (status-left) Then on Enter the text I've typed would be assigned to status-left. I DON'T want to have to call a shell script that would print the prompt in the shell window and print entered value (is that even possible?), I want the prompt to happen in the status bar itself. How should I go with

How to have tmux prompt me for the status-left text to display?

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-02-10 04:13:45
问题 I want to change status bar left message to anything I type. Just like when I press Ctrl+B F I have this prompt in status bar : (find-window) I'd like to press, say Ctrl+B E and have a prompt like : (status-left) Then on Enter the text I've typed would be assigned to status-left. I DON'T want to have to call a shell script that would print the prompt in the shell window and print entered value (is that even possible?), I want the prompt to happen in the status bar itself. How should I go with

How to have tmux prompt me for the status-left text to display?

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-02-10 04:12:48
问题 I want to change status bar left message to anything I type. Just like when I press Ctrl+B F I have this prompt in status bar : (find-window) I'd like to press, say Ctrl+B E and have a prompt like : (status-left) Then on Enter the text I've typed would be assigned to status-left. I DON'T want to have to call a shell script that would print the prompt in the shell window and print entered value (is that even possible?), I want the prompt to happen in the status bar itself. How should I go with

How to have tmux prompt me for the status-left text to display?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-02-10 04:12:31
问题 I want to change status bar left message to anything I type. Just like when I press Ctrl+B F I have this prompt in status bar : (find-window) I'd like to press, say Ctrl+B E and have a prompt like : (status-left) Then on Enter the text I've typed would be assigned to status-left. I DON'T want to have to call a shell script that would print the prompt in the shell window and print entered value (is that even possible?), I want the prompt to happen in the status bar itself. How should I go with