I need to convert a vdproj file to WiX format so that I can get it building using msbuild. One solution was to call the devenv executable from msbuild and build the vdproj file from there but that's just nasty. I thought that I would try manually converting the file to WiX format but looking at its contents scared me quite a bit. Are there any tools or elegant solutions that could possibly help with this conversion?
You can try work with Dark which converts any MSI into Wix. You will need to remove a lot of "junk" especially in the UI areas but it will give you a decent start.
There is a utility by Chris Oldwood that converts a .vdproj to .wxs (using powerscript command line) I hope that helps, this is my current research and I will report back on any issues. Once converted do not forget WixEdit. Microsoft have removed .vdproj from VS2012.
If you want to switch to NSIS or Inno Setup you can use Visual & Installer extension: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/5e57fe9a-ae5d-4740-a1c3-7a8e278e105b
It also supports conversion from .vdproj files into NSIS or Inno Setup script.
"VDProj to WiX Converter" will help you to convert vdProj file to wix.
It can be downloaded from the link http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/0f8ff662-c844-4c3c-9c7b-b170cea16baf