I have been using a modified snapShot function from the great IBrokers package to get "Last" prices from IB and it has been working great for liquid stocks. The call I make is eg.
reqMktData(tws, twsSTK("AAPL"), eventWrapper=eWrapper.data.Last(1),CALLBACK=snapShot)
The problem arises when trying to retrieve very illiquid stocks or options. I would therefore need to add a timeout to the snapShot function. How and where could the timeout be added?
The code with the snapShot function:
tws <- twsConnect()
eWrapper.data.Last <- function(n) {
eW <- eWrapper(NULL) # use basic template
eW$assign.Data("data", rep(list(structure(.xts(matrix(rep(NA_real_,2),nc=2),0),
eW$tickPrice <- function(curMsg, msg, timestamp, file, ...)
tickType = msg[3]
msg <- as.numeric(msg)
id <- msg[2] #as.numeric(msg[2])
data <- eW$get.Data("data") #[[1]] # list position of symbol (by id == msg[2])
attr(data[[id]],"index") <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
nr.data <- NROW(data[[id]])
if(tickType == .twsTickType$LAST) {
data[[id]][nr.data,2] <- msg[4]
eW$assign.Data("data", data)
c(curMsg, msg)
eW$tickSize <- function(curMsg, msg, timestamp, file, ...)
data <- eW$get.Data("data")
tickType = msg[3]
msg <- as.numeric(msg)
id <- as.numeric(msg[2])
attr(data[[id]],"index") <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
nr.data <- NROW(data[[id]])
if(tickType == .twsTickType$LAST_SIZE) {
data[[id]][nr.data,1] <- msg[4]
eW$assign.Data("data", data)
c(curMsg, msg)
snapShot <- function (twsCon, eWrapper, timestamp, file, playback = 1, ...)
if (missing(eWrapper))
eWrapper <- eWrapper()
names(eWrapper$.Data$data) <- eWrapper$.Data$symbols
con <- twsCon[[1]]
if (inherits(twsCon, "twsPlayback")) {
sys.time <- NULL
while (TRUE) {
if (!is.null(timestamp)) {
last.time <- sys.time
sys.time <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(readBin(con,
character(), 2), collapse = " "), timestamp))
if (!is.null(last.time)) {
Sys.sleep((sys.time - last.time) * playback)
curMsg <- .Internal(readBin(con, "character",
1L, NA_integer_, TRUE, FALSE))
if (length(curMsg) < 1)
processMsg(curMsg, con, eWrapper, format(sys.time,
timestamp), file, ...)
else {
curMsg <- readBin(con, character(), 1)
if (length(curMsg) < 1)
processMsg(curMsg, con, eWrapper, timestamp,
file, ...)
if (curMsg == .twsIncomingMSG$REAL_TIME_BARS)
Sys.sleep(5 * playback)
else {
while (TRUE) {
socketSelect(list(con), FALSE, NULL)
curMsg <- .Internal(readBin(con, "character", 1L,
NA_integer_, TRUE, FALSE))
if (!is.null(timestamp)) {
processMsg(curMsg, con, eWrapper, format(Sys.time(),
timestamp), file, ...)
else {
processMsg(curMsg, con, eWrapper, timestamp,
file, ...)
if (!any(sapply(eWrapper$.Data$data, is.na)))
return(do.call(rbind, lapply(eWrapper$.Data$data,
You can use evalWithTimeout
from the R.utils. I didn't test it, but I'm pretty sure wrapping evalWithTimeout
around the while loop would achieve what you're after.
while (TRUE) {
socketSelect(list(con), FALSE, NULL)
curMsg <- .Internal(readBin(con, "character", 1L,
NA_integer_, TRUE, FALSE))
if (!is.null(timestamp)) {
processMsg(curMsg, con, eWrapper, format(Sys.time(),
timestamp), file, ...)
else {
processMsg(curMsg, con, eWrapper, timestamp,
file, ...)
if (!any(sapply(eWrapper$.Data$data, is.na)))
return(do.call(rbind, lapply(eWrapper$.Data$data,
}, timeout=5, onTimeout="warning")