Easy way of counting precision, recall and F1-score in R

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-03 04:25:03


I am using an rpart classifier in R. The question is - I would want to test the trained classifier on a test data. This is fine - I can use the predict.rpart function.

But I also want to calculate precision, recall and F1 score.

My question is - do I have to write functions for those myself, or is there any function in R or any of CRAN libraries for that?


The ROCR library calculates all these and more (see also http://rocr.bioinf.mpi-sb.mpg.de):

library (ROCR);

y <- ... # logical array of positive / negative cases
predictions <- ... # array of predictions

pred <- prediction(predictions, y);

# Recall-Precision curve             
RP.perf <- performance(pred, "prec", "rec");

plot (RP.perf);

# ROC curve
ROC.perf <- performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr");
plot (ROC.perf);

# ROC area under the curve
auc.tmp <- performance(pred,"auc");
auc <- as.numeric(auc.tmp@y.values)



using the caret package:


y <- ... # factor of positive / negative cases
predictions <- ... # factor of predictions

precision <- posPredValue(predictions, y, positive="1")
recall <- sensitivity(predictions, y, positive="1")

F1 <- (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall)

A generic function that works for binary and multi-class classification without using any package is:

f1_score <- function(predicted, expected, positive.class="1") {
    predicted <- factor(as.character(predicted), levels=unique(as.character(expected)))
    expected  <- as.factor(expected)
    cm = as.matrix(table(expected, predicted))

    precision <- diag(cm) / colSums(cm)
    recall <- diag(cm) / rowSums(cm)
    f1 <-  ifelse(precision + recall == 0, 0, 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall))

    #Assuming that F1 is zero when it's not possible compute it
    f1[is.na(f1)] <- 0

    #Binary F1 or Multi-class macro-averaged F1
    ifelse(nlevels(expected) == 2, f1[positive.class], mean(f1))

Some comments about the function:

  • It's assumed that an F1 = NA is zero
  • positive.class is used only in binary f1
  • for multi-class problems, the macro-averaged F1 is computed
  • If predicted and expected had different levels, predicted will receive the expected levels


I noticed the comment about F1 score being needed for binary classes. I suspect that it usually is. But a while ago I wrote this in which I was doing classification into several groups denoted by number. This may be of use to you...

  #treats the vectors like classes
  #act and prd must be whole numbers
  for(i in seq(min(act),max(act))){
    tp=nrow(df[df$prd==i & df$act==i,]);        
    fp=nrow(df[df$prd==i & df$act!=i,]);
    fn=nrow(df[df$prd!=i & df$act==i,]);



confusionMatrix() from caret package can be used along with a proper optional field "Positive" specifying which factor should be taken as positive factor.

confusionMatrix(predicted, Funded, mode = "prec_recall", positive="1")

This code will also give additional values such as F-statistic, Accuracy, etc.


Just to update this as I came across this thread now, the confusionMatrix function in caretcomputes all of these things for you automatically.

cm <- confusionMatrix(prediction, reference = test_set$label)

# extract F1 score for all classes
cm[["byClass"]][ , "F1"] #for multiclass classification problems

You can substite "F1" above for any of the following to extract the relevant values as well:

"Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Pos Pred Value", "Neg Pred Value", "Precision", "Recall", "F1", "Prevalence", "Detection", "Rate", "Detection Prevalence", "Balanced Accuracy"

I think this behaves slightly differently when you're only doing a binary classifcation problem, but in both cases, all of these values are computed for you when you look inside the confusionMatrix object, under $byClass


We can simply get F1 value from caret's confusionMatrix function

result <- confusionMatrix(Prediction, Lable)

# View confusion matrix overall

# F1 value


You can also use the confusionMatrix() provided by caret package. The output includes,between others, Sensitivity (also known as recall) and Pos Pred Value(also known as precision). Then F1 can be easily computed, as stated above, as: F1 <- (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall)

