First of all this is homework , and I found another topic talking about the same subject but there was no answer. Here is the problem:
Sorting by bit based on the assumption that the values to be sorted are integers coded B bits (and therefore between 0 and 2B-1).
The main problem is how to make this kind of sort. Should I convert each integer to bits and compare them? Please do not give me the solution just a hint or an explanation of how to do it. Thanks for your help ! [EDIT] I found this script in the internet but i did not understand how it works :
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
// Radix sort comparator for 32-bit two's complement integers
class radix_test
const int bit; // bit position [0..31] to examine
radix_test(int offset) : bit(offset) {} // constructor
bool operator()(int value) const // function call operator
if (bit == 31) // sign bit
return value < 0; // negative int to left partition
return !(value & (1 << bit)); // 0 bit to left partition
// Least significant digit radix sort
void lsd_radix_sort(int *first, int *last)
for (int lsb = 0; lsb < 32; ++lsb) // least-significant-bit
std::stable_partition(first, last, radix_test(lsb));
// Most significant digit radix sort (recursive)
void msd_radix_sort(int *first, int *last, int msb = 31)
if (first != last && msb >= 0)
int *mid = std::partition(first, last, radix_test(msb));
msb--; // decrement most-significant-bit
msd_radix_sort(first, mid, msb); // sort left partition
msd_radix_sort(mid, last, msb); // sort right partition
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int data[] = { 170, 45, 75, -90, -802, 24, 2, 66 };
lsd_radix_sort(data, data + 8);
// msd_radix_sort(data, data + 8);
std::copy(data, data + 8, std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
First of all, you don't need to convert an integer to bits, because it already is stored as bits. An int
is usually 4 bytes, so 32 bits. You can access the bits using bit operators.
Radix sort is shown here in detail.
This example sorts based on base 10 digits.
To sort based on bit, you would change the algorithm slightly to use 2 instead of 10 in all places:
void radixsort(int *a, int n) {
while (m / exp > 0) {
int bucket[2] = { 0 };
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) bucket[a[i] / exp % 2]++;
bucket[1] += bucket[0];
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) b[--bucket[a[i] / exp % 2]] = a[i];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i] = b[i];
exp *= 2;
But if you needed to use bit wise operators instead, you could recognize that anything divided by 2 is simply >> 1
, multiply by 2 is << 1
, and modulo 2 is &1
. By replacing exp
with the bit position, we can rewrite as follows:
void radixsort(int *a, int n) {
int i, b[MAX], m = a[0], bit = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (a[i] > m) m = a[i];
while ((m>>bit) > 0) {
int bucket[2] = { 0 };
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) bucket[(a[i]>>bit) & 1]++;
bucket[1] += bucket[0];
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) b[--bucket[(a[i]>>bit) & 1]] = a[i];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i] = b[i];
This sorts using a single bit. To use multiple bits, you'd need to make it more generic:
#define BITS 2
void radixsort(int *a, int n) {
int i, b[MAX], m = a[0], pos = 0;
int buckets=1<<BITS;
int mask=buckets-1;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (a[i] > m) m = a[i];
while ((m>>(pos*BITS)) > 0) {
int bucket[1<<BITS] = { 0 };
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) bucket[(a[i]>>(pos*BITS)) & mask]++;
for (i = 1; i < buckets; i++) bucket[i] += bucket[i - 1];
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) b[--bucket[(a[i]>>(pos*BITS)) & mask]] = a[i];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i] = b[i];
This sorts using two bits, so 4 buckets are used for 00, 01, 10, and 11. 3 bits would use 8 buckets (000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111).
You can see how increasing the BITS will make fewer passes, but the work done in each pass is larger.