How to create a modular JSF 2.0 application?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-11-26 17:05:23

I understand that your question basically boils down to How can I include Facelets views in a JAR?

You can do this by placing a custom ResourceResolver in the JAR.

public class FaceletsResourceResolver extends ResourceResolver {

    private ResourceResolver parent;
    private String basePath;

    public FaceletsResourceResolver(ResourceResolver parent) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.basePath = "/META-INF/resources"; // TODO: Make configureable?

    public URL resolveUrl(String path) {
        URL url = parent.resolveUrl(path); // Resolves from WAR.

        if (url == null) {
            url = getClass().getResource(basePath + path); // Resolves from JAR.

        return url;


Configure this in webapp's web.xml as follows:


Imagine that you've a /META-INF/resources/foo/bar.xhtml in random.jar, then you can just include it the usual way

<ui:include src="/foo/bar.xhtml" />

or even dynamically

<ui:include src="#{bean.path}" />

Note: since Servlet 3.0 and newer JBoss/JSF 2.0 versions, the whole ResourceResolver approach is not necessary if you keep the files in /META-INF/resources folder. The above ResourceResolver is only mandatory in Servlet 2.5 or older JBoss/JSF versions because they've bugs in META-INF resource resolving.

See also:

I was looking for information on the same topic and came across this link: How-to: Modular Java EE Applications with CDI and PrettyFaces which worked really well for me.

charlie carver

By the way.. you can avoid implementing your own resource resolver when you're using seam solder (currently being integrated into apache deltaspike) which is a really useful library complementing CDI (your typical Java EE 6 component model)

I too experimented with modularity in jsf applications. Basically I built a template interface with a toolbar which gets filled with buttons provided by each module. Typically you will do this by providing a List of Strings as a Named Object:

public List<String> getTopMenuItems(){
return Arrays.asList("/button1.xhtml", "/button2.xhtml", "/button3.xhtml");

Notice how each of the buttons may come from a different module of the jsf application. The template interface contains a panel where

you can use it in your markup the following way (at your own risk ;) ) :

    <c:forEach items="#{topMenuItems}" var="link">
      <ui:include src="#{link}" />
  <ui:include src="#{contentPath}"/>

This was the toolbar and the content panel.

a simple button or view definition may look like this:

<ui:composition ...>
    <xy:commandButton actionListener="#{topMenuController.switchContent()}"
        value="Test" id="testbutton" />

lets name this artifact view1.xhtml

When this button is pushed (which doesn't trigger a postback using the actionListener, we want to reload the content using ajax) the switchContentMethod in your controller may change the string returned by getContentPath :

public void switchContent(){
    contentPath = "/view1.xhtml";

public String getContentPath(){
    return contentPath;

now you can change the view displayed in the panel using the button in the menubar which sort of gives you navigation without page reloads.

Some advice ( or 'what I've learned' ) :

  1. You may wanna choose a large scope for the getTopMenuItems method
  2. Don't nest the ui:include tag. Unfortunately this is not possible (e.g. your view1.xhtml cannot include another composition). I really would like something like this to be possible as you can build really modular jsf views with this, kinda like portlets only without the portlets.. =D
  3. doing ui:include in container components like tabviews also proves problematic.
  4. generally it's not advisable to mix JSTL (c:forEach) and JSF. Still I found this to be the only way working as ui:repeat gets evaluated too late e.g. your included content does not appear.