WPF and Prism View Overlay

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-02 21:02:30

If you want to use embedded dialogs without an extra window, you can use Prism's RegionManager to achieve the outlined behavior. The trick is to put the PopUp region parallel to your main region in the visual tree:

   <ContentControl cal:RegionManager.RegionName="MainRegion" IsEnabled={Binding IsNoPopUpActive} />
   <ContentControl cal:RegionManager.RegionName="PopUpRegion"/>

Now use the RegionManager to put view "A" into the "MainRegion". Create a controller class similar to IPopUpDialogController. It should be responsible for putting your view "B" (or any other PopUpView in your application) into the "PopUpRegion" on demand. Addtionally, it should control a flag that signal the underlying "MainRegion" to be enabled or disabled. This way a user won't be able to play with the controls in your view "A" until the pop up is closed.

This can even be done in a modal fashion by using ComponentDispatcher.PushModal() before pushing a frame onto the Dispatcher. However, I would recommend avoid modal dialogs.

Update: As requested in a comment, the IsNoPopUpActive could be implemented in the backing view model. There you could link it to RegionManager's View collection for the popup region:

public bool IsNoPopUpActive 
    get { return _regionManager.Regions["PopUpRegion"].Views.Count() == 0; }

Remember to trigger a PropertyChanged event as soon as you modify the views collection (add/remove a popup).

Just for your information: nowadays I avoid disabling the controls in the background and instead insert a transparent panel. This avoids clicking on background controls. However, this does not handle keyboard input (tab-ing to controls). To fix the keyboard input you need to make sure that the keyboard focus is trapped in the popup (MSDN on WPF Focus concepts).

Adding the following focus attributes to the popup region should do the trick:


If you are using WPF + MVVM with Prism you can take a look at this Message View overlay controller. The nice part about this approach is you can write unit tests on you view model using a mock overlay controller and have the mock controller return the result that the user would choose in the overlay.

You can find it here: http://presentationlayer.wordpress.com/2011/05/24/wpf-overlay-message-view-controller/

Hope this helps
