I am trying to post a file and some other data to a website in an App that I am writing using Delphi XE8 but it is not working. When I monitor the network traffic using "Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4", the file is only partially sent and none of the other data is sent. I have tried both Indy 10 and the new TNetHTTPClient and got the same result which tells me I am doing something wrong. please help.
Indy Way
procedure TMyClass.SendFile(aUrl: String);
mCookies: TIdCookieManager;
pHttp: TIdHTTP;
PostStream: TIdMultiPartFormDataStream;
ResponseStream: TStringStream;
fName, mimeStr: String;
fName := 'Image000.jpg';
mCookies := TIdCookieManager.Create(nil);
pHttp := TIdHTTP.Create(nil);
pHttp.CookieManager := mCookies;
PostStream:= TIdMultiPartFormDataStream.Create();
ResponseStream := TStringStream.Create('');
mimeStr := GetMIMETypeFromFile(fieldValue); // This returns 'image/pjpeg' instead of 'image/jpeg'. I have manually fixed it and it did not change the result
PostStream.AddFile('sourceFile', fName, mimeStr);
PostStream.AddFormField('name1', 'value1');
PostStream.AddFormField('name2', 'value2');
PostStream.AddFormField('name3', 'value3');
PostStream.AddFormField('name4', 'value4');
PostStream.AddFormField('name5', 'value5');
pHttp.Request.ContentType := PostStream.RequestContentType;
pHttp.Request.Accept := '*/*';
pHttp.Request.AcceptLanguage := 'en-us,en';
pHttp.Request.AcceptEncoding := 'gzip, deflate';
pHttp.Post(aUrl, PostStream, ResponseStream); // Get a 500 error from server for bad data
by the way GetMIMETypeFromFile returns the wrong value but even if I hardcode the correct one, it does not make any different.
the new XE8 way
procedure TMyClass.SendFile(aUrl: String);
mCookies: TCookieManager;
pHttp: TNetHTTPClient;
fName: String;
mpFormData: TMultipartFormData;
respData: IHTTPResponse;
fName := 'Image000.jpg';
mCookies := TCookieManager.Create();
pHttp := TNetHTTPClient.Create(nil);
pHttp.CookieManager := mCookies;
mpFormData := TMultipartFormData.Create();
mpFormData.AddFile('sourceFile', fName);
mpFormData.AddField('name1', 'value1');
mpFormData.AddField('name2', 'value2');
mpFormData.AddField('name3', 'value3');
mpFormData.AddField('name4', 'value4');
mpFormData.AddField('name5', 'value5');
pHttp.ContentType := 'multipart/form-data';
pHttp.Accept := '*/*';
pHttp.AcceptLanguage := 'en-us,en';
pHttp.AcceptEncoding := 'gzip, deflate';
mpFormData.Stream.Position := 0;
respData := pHttp.Post(aUrl, mpFormData.Stream); //Same problem, error 500 here
I know the server is working correctly because another application (written in Intel XDA) works just fine. the image is valid, and all the Get calls that I make before this works as well. I really need help. Thank you in advance
When I monitor the network traffic using "Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4", the file is only partially sent and none of the other data is sent.
Are you sure the monitor is simply not displaying partial data in its UI? A packet sniffer like Wireshark would be more reliable (or attach a TIdLog...
component to TIdHTTP
), as it will show you everything that is actually being transmitted. The only possible way that posting a TIdMultipartFormDataStream
would only send a portion of the file and skip the other fields altogether is if the socket is disconnected while transmitting the file.
mimeStr := GetMIMETypeFromFile(fieldValue); // This returns 'image/pjpeg' instead of 'image/jpeg'.
Internally, GetMIMETypeFromFile()
builds its own list of hard-coded MIME types and then uses OS information to overwrite that list. The default value that is hard-coded for .jpg
is image/jpeg
. When it then queries the OS, it sees image/jpeg
and image/pjpeg
(in that order) are registered for .jpg
, so image/pjpeg
was the last MIME type seen for .jpg
and that is what GetMIMETypeFromFile()
ends up returning.
pHttp.Request.ContentType := PostStream.RequestContentType;
You do not need that, Post() handles that internally for you.
pHttp.Request.AcceptEncoding := 'gzip, deflate';
Do not do that at all. Post()
handles that internally for you, based on whether TIdHTTP.Compressor
is assigned and ready.