Drupal Commerce Line Items: alter the price?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-02 19:35:22

For those people who don't want to use rules and hope to alter the price directly. Here is my solution:

// Alter the price in list and single product page.
function my_module_commerce_product_calculate_sell_price_line_item_alter($line_item){

    $price = 100; //1 dollar
    $line_item->commerce_unit_price[LANGUAGE_NONE]['0']['amount'] = $price;


// Alter the price in cart & order.
function my_module_commerce_cart_line_item_refresh($line_item, $order_wrapper){

    $price = 100; //1 dollar
    $line_item->commerce_unit_price[LANGUAGE_NONE]['0']['amount'] = $price;
    // Alter the base_price component.
    $line_item->commerce_unit_price[LANGUAGE_NONE]['0']['data']['components']['0']['price']['amount'] = $price;

Jeremy Isett

If you're looking to ignore whatever previous values have been saved to a line item and recalculate the total from your new amount the function you're looking for is commerce_line_item_rebase_unit_price.

Set the new amount value and then run your line item through there, save the line item and the order:

$line_item_wrapper->commerce_unit_price->amount = 13;



I struggled through this issue all day today and final figured out the correct path to altering line items prices. The problem is that, even if you successfully change the line item price to a custom value, on the next page refresh the cart will reset the line items to match the original product price. Take a look at the commerce_cart_order_refresh() function for details. This function is executed every time an order/cart is loaded on the page and there is no way around it.

It turns out that the proper way to alter a line item price is to either use Rules or to implement the hook_commerce_cart_line_item_refresh() function. Either way, Drupal Commerce need to be able to apply the alteration logic each time the cart/order is loaded.

I ended up creating a custom field in the Line Item where I stored the custom price value I wanted. I then used a Pricing Rule to copy the custom price value to the product price value whenever the cart is refreshed.

The following blog post was very helpful in figuring this out. It shows you how to add a custom field to a line item type and how to setup a pricing rule to copy the custom amount to the unit price.


Recently I had to implement a donation form in Commerce but the Commerce Express Checkout module doesn't handle custom line items. Since it was a donation and all (who is trying to screw the house?), I felt it appropriate to pass the donation amount as a 3rd parameter in URL the Express Checkout module provides. Here is how I went about hacking the module:

I added a new entry to the router:

$items['commerce-express-checkout/%/%/%'] = array(
      'title' => 'Express Checkout w/ extra argument',
      // 'page callback' => 'commerce_express_checkout_create_order',
      'page callback' => 'commerce_express_checkout_create_order_extra',
      'page arguments' => array(1, 2, 3),
      'access arguments' => array('access checkout'),
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,

I duplicated and tweaked the default callback and tacked '_extra' to it. Note that the "data" property seems to be a static variable store for occasions just such as this and persists the life of the line item.

function commerce_express_checkout_create_order_extra($product_id, $token, $amount) {

  if (drupal_hmac_base64($product_id, drupal_get_private_key().drupal_get_hash_salt()) == $token && is_numeric($amount)) {
    global $user;

    $product = commerce_product_load($product_id);

    $product->commerce_price['und'][0]['amount'] = (int)$amount;

    $order = ($user->uid) ? commerce_order_new($user->uid, 'checkout_checkout') : commerce_cart_order_new();


    $price = array('amount' => commerce_round(COMMERCE_ROUND_HALF_UP, $amount), 'currency_code' => commerce_default_currency());

    $line_item = commerce_product_line_item_new($product, 1, $order->order_id);
    $line_item->data = array('und' => array('0' => $price));

    $order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);

    $order_wrapper->commerce_line_items[] = $line_item;

    $order->data['type'] = 'commerce_express_checkout_order';


    drupal_goto('checkout/' . $order->order_id);

    return "";

   return "";

Here is the part that ended up being most tricky simply due to the learning curve and not knowing what the heck function to use:

 * Implements hook_commerce_cart_line_item_refresh().                           
function commerce_express_checkout_commerce_cart_line_item_refresh($line_item, $order_wrapper) { 
  if ($line_item->commerce_product['und'][0]['line_item_label'] == 'DONATE' || $line_item->commerce_product['und'][0]['product_id'] == '11') {
    $price = array('amount' => commerce_round(COMMERCE_ROUND_HALF_UP, $line_item->data['und'][0]['amount']), 'currency_code' => commerce_default_currency());
    $line_item->commerce_unit_price = array('und' => array('0' => $price));
    $line_item_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_line_item', $line_item);
    $line_item_wrapper->commerce_unit_price->data = commerce_price_component_add(
      $line_item_wrapper->commerce_unit_price->value(), 'base_price', $price, TRUE

Every single time the cart is modified, it refreshes and attempts to set the products in the cart to their in-code prototype. It seems pretty inefficient to me too, but I could be missing something.


This post pointed me in the right direction for programmatically altering a drupal commerce line item by using hook_commerce_cart_line_item_refersh(). However, some of the answers here are either outright wrong, or very inefficient and sloppy.

This would be a correct working solution for altering the line item type in Drupal Commerce:

 * implements hook_commerce_cart_line_item_refresh()

function MYMODULE_commerce_cart_line_item_refresh($line_item, $order_wrapper){

    $line_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_line_item', $line_item);

    $new_price = 100; //I use a function to calculate the value of $new_price
