Maven build number plugin, how to save the build number in a file?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-02 18:14:35

Store it in a filtered properties file. See Using maven to output the version number to a text file


You shouldn't set revisionOnScmFailure option to true, it doesn't expect a boolean. Set it to revision string you want to use when SCM is unavailable, like na or like that. It doesn't matter for your case since you override the build number format but it would be more correct.

See buildnumber-maven-plugin docs.

I could not reproduce the problem reported by the OP. In my case both command line and m2eclipse work fine and the file is generated correctly in the target/classes folder. The answer provided by @KasunBG is incorrect. The is generated only if you use the following:

        </items> is used to store a number which can be incremented. For this reason ( I think ) the plugin doesn't generate this file if you use timestamp/scmVersion etc.

Kasun Gajasinghe

The documentation page says that the properties files is stored at ${basedir}/, which is created when the buildnumber:create phase is ran.
