I am trying to inset data in a jena fuseki graph using this simple query:
PREFIX test: <http://test.org>
INSERT {?subject test:hasName "Bob"}
?subject test:hasEmail "email@test.com" .
However, i get the error: Error 400: SPARQL Query: No 'query=' parameter
Fuseki - version 2.3.1 (Build date: 2015-12-08T09:24:07+0000)
What does this error mean, and how can i resolve it? this error also appear when i try to delete data. Thanks.
Make sure you are pointing at the appropriate endpoint. In Fuseki the queries endpoint (for example, http://localhost:13030/mygraph/query) is different than the update endpoint (http://localhost:13030/mygraph/update).
Selects, asks and constructs should be done using the first one, while updates, inserts and deletes should be done using the second one.