Push and Pop behaviour is strange, why?

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-02 15:50:03


I have two classes, the one is addAlarm and second is Name,,,

for now I am in addAlarm (addAlarm is subclass of UITableViewController), as it selects the row, then it goes to Name class as below

        Name *ob = [[Name alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped];
        [self.navigationController pushViewController:ob animated:YES];

        [ob release];
        ob = nil;

then there is UINavigationBar with addAlarm as back button by default, while Name is also subclass of UITableViewController

I observe that when I click addAlarm backbutton in Name, then it goes back to addAlarm, and its viewWillAppear Method calls, but after that it calls

         - (void)viewDidUnload


         - (void)dealloc

of Name Class.

I am unable to understand that why it is calling the methods of Name after it executes ViewWillApear of addAlarm, any Idea?


Instead of passing data in dealloc method You can Pass data in below method.



Another Method is to store it in appDelegate file like below.

In appDelegate.h file

NSString *strName;

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *strName;

In appDelegate.m file

@synthesize strName;

Now, you can create object of Application in your NameController like below

AppDelegate *appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; 

And store value like this

appDelegate.strName = @"Value to be passed to addAlarm View"

Hope this help.

