Ruby && operator on integers

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-02 13:39:41

The boolean operators &&, ||, and and or are among the few that are not syntactic sugar for method calls, and thus, there are no different implementations in different classes.

In other words: they behave exactly the same for all objects, i.e. they behave the same for Integers as they do for Strings, Hashes, Floats, Symbols, and any other object.

a && b

evaluates to a if a is falsey (and will not evaluate b at all in this case), otherwise it evaluates to b (and only then will b be evaluated)

a || b

evaluates to a if a is truthy (and will not evaluate b at all in this case), otherwise it evaluates to b (and only then will b be evaluated)

nil and false are falsey, everything else is truthy, including 0, 0.0, '', [], and {}.
