Put long running method into task, showing new form meantime and closing it once the task completes

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-02 12:44:35

You already have the answer here:
Showing WinSCP .NET assembly transfer progress on WinForm's progress bar

To put it simple, I'm just extracting the relevant part:

  • You need to close the form at the end of the task.
  • As the task runs on a background thread, you need to use .Invoke method to invoke the closing on a GUI thread.

A simple implementation is like:

' Create the form before the task, so that we can reference it in the task
Dim pic As New Waiting

Dim tsk As Task(Of Boolean) =
    Task.Factory.StartNew(Of Boolean)(
            ' Run lenghty task
            Dim Result As Boolean =
                WinScp.GetFile(myremotePicturePath, ladujZdjeciaPath, True)
            ' Close form once done (on GUI thread)
            pic.Invoke(New Action(Sub() pic.Close()))
            Return Result
        End Function)

' Show the form

Internally the WinForms Form works like:

Class Form                                      

    Private closed as Boolean                   

    Function ShowDialog                         

        While Not closed                        

            If ' X button clicked                 
            End IF                              

            If ' anything in the Invoke queue     
                ' Get action from the Invoke queue
                ' Run the action                  
                ' In our case the "action" is .Close
            End If                              

            ' Process message queue (mouse clicks, key presses, draw form)

        End While                               

    End Sub                                     

    Sub Close                                   
        closed = True                           
    End Sub                                     

    Sub Invoke(action)                          
        ' Add action to invoke queue              
    End Sub                                     

End Class                                       

As of generic handler without tasks, this is how I achieved in one of applications a while ago

  1. Add a new form (frmProgress)

  2. Add hourglass GIF image (picProgress) to the center of this form

  3. Set following form (frmProgress) properties either in GUI or in code on load event:

    Private Sub frmProgress_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load  
        FormBorderStyle = FixedSingle  
        Opacity = 0.5R  
        ShowInTaskbar = False  
        TopMost = True  
        WindowState = Maximized  
    End Sub  
  4. Center image in form on resize event, if required

    Private Sub frmProgress_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize  
        picProgress.Left = CInt(Me.Width / 2 - picProgress.Width / 2)  
        picProgress.Top = CInt(Me.Height / 2 - picProgress.Height / 2)  
    End Sub  
  5. Load the form before initiating your processing (DO NOT use ShowDialog())

    frmProgress.Show()'DO NOT use ShowDialog()  
  6. Initiate your processing

  7. Hide progress form after task is finished
