3 level expandable list view with swipe feature

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-02 10:32:04

I think your problem is like these questions and there is solution so Check these Link and link2


In order to get it working, I implemented it with following approach. I am not sure, this is the best way or not.

  • We used getViewTypeCount() and getItemViewType() functions in listview base adapter to return different view type for each row. This way, it does not try to use same view while using in getView() facility.

  • Similarly for ExpandableListViewAdapter, we used getChildTypeCount() and getChildType() to return different type.

This way, I was able to achieve what I was looking for. I am sure, this is not the most optimize way as it does not allow, reusablity of components, but it works in my case, as my app does not need thousands of components in list.
