I have an App Engine app in asia-northeast1, but i could not specify the region for pubsub trigger.
This works:
functions.region("asia-northeast1").https.onRequest(async (req, res)
This does not work:
functions.region("asia-northeast1").pubsub.schedule('* 6-23 * * *')
With the following erroor message: Error: HTTP Error: 400, Location must equal asia-northeast1 because the App Engine app that is associated with this project is located in asia-northeast1
Does anyone have any experience getting pubsub trigger to work in a different region than the default us-central1? Thank you in advance
This is a known bug in the Firebase CLI version 7.1.0. Downgrade to a prior version for now (7.0.2). This will be fixed.
When you encounter unexpected problems with the Firebase CLI, you should contact Firebase support directly, and also consider filing a bug report in GitHub.