I've being trying to solve this problem but I couldn't figure it out yet. In my layout have a listview with its custom adapter. Inside each view I have many objects stored in a static class called ViewHolder. One is a gallery with another custom adapter.
My problem is that after I get an onActivityResult on my Activity. I need to send a notifyDataSetChanged() to my gallery adapter. If I do:
All the items inside the adapter are refreshed except the ones that have their own custom adapter.
Now I thought maybe I thought maybe there is a way to override onNotifyDataSetChanged() or something like that to send the notification from within my ListAdapter once I notify it. But I couldn't find something like this, is there a way to do this?
I've also noticed that if I try to do:
It sais: "No enclosing instance of ListAdapter.ViewHolder is accesible in scope" Is there a way to make it accessible?
Or another way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
Thanks in advance
I feel ashamed... It seemed that I forgot to renew a few variables for it to work right...
So the conclusion is the adapter inside the adapter gets updated if you call:
You just have to do it right