
Not recieving sms using twilio notify service, no debug error in console?

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-02-11 12:50:33
问题 I am trying to send bulk SMS using Twilio notify API. I had looked at the documentation, and other StackOverflow resources but did not find the issue yet. What I am doing is: $sid = "AC1e590cbb8eee064c3c71axxxxxxxxxxx"; $token = "94c2dc3e2e407c4ebd28cxxxxxxxxxxx"; $twilio = new Client($sid, $token); $serviceSid = "IS32913ae9b083b809b1c06xxxxxxxxxxx"; $recipients = array(); foreach($phone_nos as $phone_no) { array_push($recipients, $phone_no['phone_no']); } //recipients array print value is /

Android: After creating a new notification, the older one is replaced

北城余情 提交于 2020-12-29 08:57:27
问题 I want to create a notification without canceling/deleting previous notifications from my app. Here is my code for creating a notification: private void notification(Context context, String title, String content) { NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.notification_icon) .setContentTitle(title) .setContentText(content); Intent resultIntent = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class); TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder =

Using bootstrap-notify with Angular 7

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-05-30 17:46:51
问题 I would like to use bootstrap-notify in my Angular 7 application. To do this, I have installed the bootstrap-notify package (and also @types/bootstrap-notify ). In my component from where I want to use the notifications I imported the jQuery service like this: import * as $ from 'jquery'; And now called notify as described here in the documentation: $.notify({ // options message: 'Hello World' },{ // settings type: 'danger' }); The problem is that I get this error: ERROR in src/app/home/home

Using bootstrap-notify with Angular 7

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-05-30 17:46:12
问题 I would like to use bootstrap-notify in my Angular 7 application. To do this, I have installed the bootstrap-notify package (and also @types/bootstrap-notify ). In my component from where I want to use the notifications I imported the jQuery service like this: import * as $ from 'jquery'; And now called notify as described here in the documentation: $.notify({ // options message: 'Hello World' },{ // settings type: 'danger' }); The problem is that I get this error: ERROR in src/app/home/home

java wait notify的用法

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-04-07 01:27:11
java wait notify的用法  wait(),notify(),notifyAll()不属于Thread类,而是属于Object基本类,也就是说每个对像都有wait(),notify(),notifyAll()的功能.由于都个对像都有锁,锁是每个对像的基本 ,当然操作锁的要领也是最基本了.   先看java doc如何说:   wait导致当前的线程等待,直到其他线程调用此对象的 notify() 要领或 notifyAll() 要领。当前的线程必须拥有此对象监视器。该线程揭晓对此监视器的一切权并等待,直到其他线程议决调用 notify 要领,或 notifyAll 要领告诉在此对象的监视器上等待的线程醒来。然后该线程将等到重新获得 对监视器的一切权后才能继续执行.   notify唤醒在此对象监视器上等待的单个线程。假如一切线程都在此对象上等待,则会挑选唤醒其中一个线程。直到当前的线程放弃此对象上的锁定,才能继续执行被唤醒的线程。此要领只应由作为此对象监视器的一切者的线程来调用.   "当前的线程必须拥有此对象监视器"与"此要领只应由作为此对象监视器的一切者的线程来调用"表明 wait要领与notify要领必须在同步块内执行,即synchronized(obj之内).   调用对像wait要领后,当火线程释放对像锁,进入等待形状 .直到其他线程(也只好是其他线程)议决


老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-03-04 17:12:14
在java多线程编程中,最被经常用到的便是wait与notfiy方法,这两个方法可以用来更加精确地控制被同步的代码,从而使得被同步的代码最小化,提高并发效率。 当某个类的某个方法被标记为synchronized时,这个方法在同一时间只能被一个线程访问。此时这个方法中的所有代码都是被同步的,只有当一个线程执行完所有的代码之后,下一个线程才能开始执行。当被同步的方法代码量比较小,而且每一步执行都非常快的时候仅仅使用synchronized关键字就够了。但是,如果被同步的方法里面有一些代码是可以被共享的,而且这些能够被共享的代码里面存在比较耗时的操作时,仅仅使用synchronized关键字就无法达到最高的效率,这个时候可以使用wait与notify方法来对并发访问做更进一步的控制。首先看两段代码: public class TestThread { private boolean isIdle = true; public synchronized void work(){ /* * Some work which can be shared */ try { /* * to check if we can have this object's monitor */ if(!isIdle){ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread()

Correct Condition For Window.External.Notify is Defined

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-03-03 09:11:06
问题 I'm developing hybrid application that require to call window.external.notify in javascript but this js code should run in browser also. So we have to have a condition for detecting is window.external.notify is defined or undefined. So we use that code but in runtime window.external.notify shows its value is like that {...} (but can't open). Are there any way to handle it? if(window.external !== undefined && window.external.notify !== undefined) 回答1: You can use this: if (typeof (window

Correct Condition For Window.External.Notify is Defined

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-03-03 09:09:29
问题 I'm developing hybrid application that require to call window.external.notify in javascript but this js code should run in browser also. So we have to have a condition for detecting is window.external.notify is defined or undefined. So we use that code but in runtime window.external.notify shows its value is like that {...} (but can't open). Are there any way to handle it? if(window.external !== undefined && window.external.notify !== undefined) 回答1: You can use this: if (typeof (window

wait, notify, notifyAll and synchronized --

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-03-02 11:43:19
Object.notify()的API是这样的: Object.notify Class Overview | Class Members | This Package | All Packages Syntax public final native void notify() Description Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor. A thread waits on an object's monitor by calling one of the wait methods. This method should only be called by a thread that is the owner of this object's monitor. A thread becomes the owner of the object's monitor in one of three ways: By executing a synchronized instance method of that object. By executing the body of a synchronized statement that synchronizes on the object.