I created an app following this tutorial (without scaffolding).
After I create an item I can click on it and it shows me a big list of parameters. Like here: http://s15.postimage.org/j6at9koiz/parameters.png .
The code which does that is:
<% if (todos && todos.length) { %>
<% for (var i in todos) { %>
<div class="row todo-item">
<div class="span8">
<h3><%- linkTo(todos[i].title, todoPath(todos[i].id)) %></h3>
<div class="span4"><h3><i class="icon-list-alt"></i><%= todos[i].status; %></h3></div>
<% } %>
<% } %>
To be more specific, the following line is the one which displays the links with the titles which take me to the list of the parameters for each item:
<%- linkTo(todos[i].title, todoPath(todos[i].id)) %>
Can I do something to display only some of the parameters and not the entire list which is displayed now?
Thank you!
You need to add view files for todo resource. If you're scaffolding, then geddy creates them by default. But otherwise, you have to add view files for todo in app/views/todos
View files
- _form.html.ejs
- edit/new form
- add.html.ejs
- new resource view
- edit.html.ejs
- edit view
- index.html.ejs
- index view
- show.html.ejs
- show individual resource
You can edit them manually. For changing how a individual todo item should appear on /todos/:id
route, edit show.html.ejs
<div class="hero-unit">
<%- linkTo('Edit this todo', editTodoPath(params.id), {class: 'btn pull-right'}); %>