Implementing auto complete for more than one field in Rails

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-02 07:58:47

So, in parts:

  1. When you get the investor groups, you're getting only the titles with the call "collect(&:title)". Remove it to get the whole object;
  2. You don't need use the regex, you already get the titles that match with the LIKE in conditions;
  3. Instead of render inline, try to make a partial that render all that you need inside the LI tag. Render inline and content_tag are good when all that you need is a small text, but with "bigger things", prefer partials.

Sorry any engrish.


The collect(&:title) says "from all investor_groups that you find, give me only their titles". So, remove it completely, using only:

InvestorGroup.find(:all, find_options)

It says "give me the investor_groups that you find", so you will have an array of investor_groups to use in the partial. With this, you can show the data that you want in the autocomplete list, like you did in the index.html, with a "for" statement, putting inside the "li" elements the images, the title and the activated members size.

Sorry any engrish.


Almost there. To the autocomplete works, the response from the autocomplete method must be a list. So, the partial would be like:

  <% for inv_group in @investor_group2 %>
    <li><%=h inv_group.title %>, <%=h inv_group.activated_members.size %></li>

Each item wrapped by a li tag, and all wrapped by an ul tag. If you look the previous code, this is exactly how it works:

content_tag(:ul, { |title| content_tag(:li, h(title)) })

An ul content tag, wrapping li content tags that wrap the titles.

And I did separate the title and the size in two erb, because I never tried put two information in the same, and don't now if it works.

Sorry any engrish.
