How to return a Vertex in the tinkerpop/gremlin format instead of the DSE graph format?

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-02 07:33:32

In Datastax 1.1 it seems that you can't cast to Vertex directly, there is no indication of this in the documentation.

Instead you can access VertexProperty (org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.VertexProperty) using .getProperties(String).

GraphNode n = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().hasLabel('test_vertex_meta_props')").one();
Vertex vertex = n.asVertex();

// there can be more than one VertexProperty with the key "meta_property"
Iterator<VertexProperty> metaProps = vertex.getProperties("meta_property");

VertexProperty metaProp1 =;
// the value of the meta property
int metaProp1Value = metaProp1.getValue().asInt();
// the properties of the meta property itself
Iterator<Property> simpleProps1 = metaProp1.getProperties();
Property simpleProp11 =;
double simplePropValue11 = simpleProp11.getValue().asDouble(); 
Property simpleProp12 =;
double simplePropValue12 = simpleProp12.getValue().asDouble(); 

// **multi value** meta property.
VertexProperty metaProp2 =;

Via: Datastax Manual (1.1)

According to the lengthy discussion I had with Datastax Team through jira and emails:

It is indeed possible to have Fluent API and get back pure Gremlin/tinkerpop objects. This is possible as illustrated here (java-dse graph 1.x documentation) using next(), toList() directly on GraphTraversalSource and not using executeGraph() which will return the DSE Objects.

So the above code changes to:

Vertex user = graph.addV("User")
                 .property("username", "testuser").next();

where graph is a GraphTraversalSource<Vertex,Vertex> object and Vertex is a org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex object.
