How can I concatenate a list of parent items in a RECURSIVE CTE with PostgreSQL (version 10.2)?
For example, I have:
parent integer references test(id),
text text NOT NULL
INSERT INTO test(parent, text) VALUES
(NULL, 'first'),
(1, 'second'),
(2, 'third'),
(3, 'fourth'),
(NULL, 'top'),
(5, 'middle'),
(6, 'bottom');
How do I get a tree with a particular item and all it's parents concatenated (or in an array) given it's id?
So far I have the following query to see what is being returned, but I can't seem to add the right WHERE clause to return the right value:
WITH RECURSIVE mytest(SRC, ID, Parent, Item, Tree, JOINED) AS (
SELECT '1', id, parent, text, array[id], text FROM test
SELECT '2', test.id, test.parent, test.text as Item, NULL,
concat(t.joined, '/', test.text)
FROM mytest as t
JOIN test ON t.id = test.parent
SELECT * FROM mytest;
This gives me the entire set but as soon as I add something like WHERE id = 1 I don't get the results I expect (I'm looking for a concatenated list of the item and parents).
In the top-down method the initial query should select only roots (items without parents), so the query returns each row only once:
with recursive top_down as (
select id, parent, text
from test
where parent is null
union all
select t.id, t.parent, concat_ws('/', r.text, t.text)
from test t
join top_down r on t.parent = r.id
select id, text
from top_down
where id = 4 -- input
If your goal is to find a specific item, the bottom-up approach is more efficient:
with recursive bottom_up as (
select id, parent, text
from test
where id = 4 -- input
union all
select r.id, t.parent, concat_ws('/', t.text, r.text)
from test t
join bottom_up r on r.parent = t.id
select id, text
from bottom_up
where parent is null
Remove final where conditions in both queries to see the difference.
Test it in rextester.