i have some trouble doing dates substractions on Oracle database.
I have a query:
to_char(creationdatetime,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mm:ss') as Creation_Time,
to_char(lastmodificationdatetime,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mm:ss') as Last_Mod_Time,
substr(lastmodificationdatetime - creationdatetime,1,30)*24 as Time_Between,
--trunc((((86400*(lastmodificationdatetime - creationdatetime))/60)/60)/24) "Days",
--trunc(((86400*(lastmodificationdatetime - creationdatetime))/60)/60)-24*(trunc((((86400*(lastmodificationdatetime - creationdatetime))/60)/60)/24)) "Hrs",
--trunc((86400*(lastmodificationdatetime - creationdatetime))/60)-60*(trunc(((86400*(lastmodificationdatetime - creationdatetime))/60)/60)) "Min",
--trunc(86400*(lastmodificationdatetime - creationdatetime))-60*(trunc((86400*(lastmodificationdatetime - creationdatetime))/60)) "Sec"
Status='Completed' or Status='Cancelled';
(trunc is to check other way of counting date)
Then I get results:
Status ID CreationDate Lastmodificationdate Time_Between Days Hours Minutes Seconds
Completed id1 2013/03/25 12:03:14 2013/03/25 13:03:17 1,78416666666666666666666666648 0 1 47 3
Completed id2 2013/03/26 09:03:22 2013/03/26 09:03:28 0,45166666666666666666666666656 0 0 27 5
Cancelled is3 2012/12/19 17:12:50 2012/12/19 19:12:10 1,52222222222222222222222222208 0 1 31 19
Cancelled id4 2012/12/19 18:12:13 2012/12/19 19:12:23 0,65277777777777777777777777768 0 0 39 10
As we can see dates are substracted wrongly, when i copy dates and substracted them using dual:
select (to_date('2013/03/25 13:03:17', 'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:MI:SS') -
to_date('2013/03/25 12:03:14', 'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:MI:SS'))
from dual;
I get correct results... I have no idea whats going on... Would appreciate any help.
You are displaying the dates with an incorrect format.
is the month, not minutes. So you are repeating the month in the time display.
You want: 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'
(note the mi
in the format mask)