I spent significant amount of time looking for this and explore many solutions.
This is related to this thread. Calling Java from Python
In the end, after testing:
Pyjnius : Cannot install in Windows.
Py4J: can install on windows, but using Gateway is a bit heavy.
JPype: Python 3 installed in 5 mins, can load 50Mo JAR without any issues. Good thing is the syntax is completely merged with Python syntax... https://github.com/tcalmant/jpype-py3
Just Wondering, if any people has developed real world wrapping application of Java in Python (ie running on a production server) with big size JAR ?
To save time to many people, I post the module I used for JPype, this is working nicel to load JAR.
import jpype as jp; import numpy as np; import os as os
jarpath= r"D:\zjavajar\\"
mavenurl= r"http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/"
# StartJVM (add "-Xmx" option with 1024M if crash due to not enough memory )
def importJAR(path1="", path2="", path3="", path4=""):
classpath = path1
if path2 != "": classpath = os.pathsep.join((classpath, path2))
if path3 != "": classpath = os.pathsep.join((classpath, path3))
if path4 != "": classpath = os.pathsep.join((classpath, path4))
jp.startJVM(jp.getJVMPath(),"-ea", "-Djava.class.path=%s" % classpath)
def showLoadedClass(): #Code to see the JAR loaded.
classloader = jp.java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); vv= [];
for x in classloader.getURLs(): vv.append(x.toString());
return vv
def loadSingleton(class1): single= jp.JClass(class1); return Single.getInstance()
def java_print(x): jp.java.lang.System.out.println(x) #Print in Java Console