Converting docx to html with dotnet-mammoth fails at deploy server

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-02 04:29:42
Michael Williamson

The latest version of Mammoth on NuGet no longer uses edge.js, and is now just .NET code, so should work more reliably.


You can resolve this by getting the exact error when the process is trying to read the file. Below is the code from dotnet-mammoth DocumentConverter.cs. As shown below on call it is trying to read all bytes to be sent to edge

public Result<string> ConvertToHtml(string path)
            var mammothJs = ReadResource("Mammoth.mammoth.browser.js") + ReadResource("Mammoth.mammoth.edge.js");

            var f = Edge.Func(mammothJs);
            var result = f(File.ReadAllBytes(path));

            return ReadResult(result.Result);

I suppose you are giving absolute path to the input. In that case the absolute path should be accessible by app identity hosting the app pool of the web application.

If the path specified is in web root directory - (not advised) - but if it is then you can use Server.MapPath
