How pass data from ModalService into component

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-02 04:16:40

You can also use the BsModalRef content Like


export class MyModalComponent {
  public myContent;

calling your modal from some other component

import { BsModalService, BsModalRef } from 'ngx-bootstrap/modal';
    public modalRef: BsModalRef;

    constructor(public modalService: BsModalService){}

    public openModal() {
       this.modalRef =;
       this.modalRef.content.myContent= 'My Modal Content';

At the stage of creating a modal, every property from initialState is copied to the component that you pass as a modal content.

For example, if your initialState looks like this:

const initialState = {
   list: [
     'Open a modal with component',
     'Pass your data',
     'Do something else',
   title: 'Modal with component',
   closeBtnName: 'Close'

Then all these properties are copied to your modal content component and they're accessible there and you can use them in your template or ngOnInit as usual. In general, these properties are like @Input.

Example -

Since I can't yet comment on IlyaSurmay's answer...his solution works in 2.0.2 (but not in 2.0.0).
