How to colourise some cell borders in R corrplot?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-02 04:10:38
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영

My proposal where still pseudocode mark.ids. I found best to have plt and mark.ids as the options of corrplotCellBorders which creates corrplot with bordered wanted cells

mark.ids <- {x <- c(1), y <- c(2)} # TODO pseudocode
corrplotCellBorders(plt, mark.ids)
cb(plt, x, y, rectArgs=list(border="red", lwd=3))

# Chat of user20650
# createBorders.r, test.createBorders. 
cb <- function(corrPlot, ..., rectArgs = list() ){ 
# ... pass named vector of x and y names 
# for upper x > y, lower x < y 
  lst <- list(...) 

  n <- ncol(corrPlot) 
  nms <- colnames(corrPlot) 
  colnames(corrPlot) <- if(is.null(nms)) 1:ncol(corrPlot) else nms 

  xleft <- match(lst$x, colnames(corrPlot)) - 0.5 
  ybottom <- n - match(lst$y, colnames(corrPlot)) + 0.5 

  lst <- list(xleft=xleft, ybottom=ybottom, xright=xleft+1, ytop=ybottom+1), c(lst, rectArgs)) 

corrplotCellBorders <- function(plt, mark.ids) {
  x <- mark.ids$x
  y <- mark.ids$y
  cb(plt, x, y, rectArgs=list(border="red", lwd=3))


  • How to create mark.ids such that you can call its items by mark.ids$x and mark.ids$y?
  • Integrate point order neutrality for the upper triangle here