I want to pass some values from one view to another in Angularjs using ui-Router.
I don't want to use $rootScope to save data or create a new services ( as I have many views that pass small bits of data so creating new jsfile for few lines code is not fun). A super-minified example of what I want to do is:
Controller of View 1$scope.goodFood = 10
$scope.badFood = 2
Controller of View 2$scope.results = 10 - 2 (from view 1's scope)
Is there any quick way to do these kinds of small operations ?
I don't want to use $rootScope to save data or create a new services ( as I have many views that pass small bits of data so creating new jsfile for few lines code is not fun)
There is no need to create a new service for new bits of data. Simply create a value service with an object:
app.value("viewData", {});
Then simply add new properties as needed:
app.controller("viewCtrl", function(viewData) {
viewData.newProp = "new info";
As value services are singletons, changes to the contents of the object will survive view changes.
Since you have specified the approach that you wanted to follow, you should create the following
.state('view2', {
url: "/view2/:param1/:param2",
templateUrl: 'view2.html',
controller: function ($stateParams) {
and from where ever you want to call
$state.go('view2',{param1:'10', param2:'2'});
But in general it is advised that you keep these values in a service or some where stored. With the application growing you may have to use few more attributes to compute
Easiest way would be to store all the data directly into the $routeParams either through route or query string.
routeUrl: /foods/:quality/:stars
then in your controller you can access
$routeParams.quality - $routeParams.stars