Laguerre polynomials in MATLAB

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-02 03:46:23

Like you say, and the matlab help says this function only works inside mupad, maybe in later versions it works in matlab console.

If you want to use it, write mupad in Matlab Command window and then use it in the mupad, matlab will return you the result as I show in the picture

In R2014b+, there is a laguerreL function available directly from within Matlab. However, a version of this function was introduced to MuPAD in R2009a. You can call the MuPAD version from within Matlab

syms x;



Both return x^2/2 - 2*x + 1.

You can read more about interacting with MuPAD functionality from Matlab here. However, I'd recommend browsing and searching the archived documentation for your specific version or using your built-in HTML documentation (e.g., doc mupad or doc 'calling mupad').
