SQL Server relationships buried in stored procedures rather than schema

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-01 23:37:45

If the relationships are only identified by joins in the SPs, then you're not going to have a lot of luck automating it.

It might be worthwhile capturing queries using the profiler to find the most frequent joins first.

When it comes to refactoring, I am the old-school:

  1. Document what you have, use visual tool.
  2. Describe -- in writing -- the business model that this database captures.
  3. Pick-out entities out of the description nouns and the existing schema you have.
  4. Create a new ER model; consult with business while at it.
  5. Create a new DB based on the ER
  6. ETL data over to the new db and test.

You can use sys.sql_dependencies to find out what columns and tables an SP depends on (helps if you don't do SELECT * in your SPs). This will help you get an inventory of candidates at least:

referenced_major_id == the OBJECT_ID of the table
referenced_minor_id == the column id: COLUMNPROPERTY(referenced_major_id,

You might have to use sp_refreshsqlmodule to ensure that the dependencies are up to date for that to work. i.e. if you change a view, you need to sp_refreshsqlmodule on each non-schema-bound module (obviously schema-bound modules don't allow any underlying changes changes in the first place - but you will get an error if you call sp_refreshsqlmodule on a schema-bound object) which depended on that view. You can automate that by calling sp_refreshsqlmodule on these objects:

                                 + QUOTENAME(ROUTINE_NAME)),
                       N'IsSchemaBound') IS NULL
                                    + QUOTENAME(ROUTINE_NAME)),
                          N'IsSchemaBound') = 0