
YADCF + Datatables Server Side Populate Select with Php

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-01-11 06:19:01
问题 I literally have searched Every Single Page that mentions the argument, but cant seem to figure this one out I am using Datatables with Yadcf , ajax source, server_side.php and ssp.class.php Now i want to populate the select filters with All the data, not just the current page, I read and saw the yadcf showcase - -> yadcf-showcase.appspot.com/server_side_source.html that the only mention is a JQuery (java) part to populate the yadcf_data_n But cant find one single example to do the same using

ambiguous multi_select filter - AND and OR condition - javascript

不羁的心 提交于 2020-01-06 02:36:10
问题 multi_select filter with select2 in yadcf (datatables plugin) has a ambiguous solution for filtering. If you have inside rows single values like value1 value2 when you filtering you have a OR filtering. It shows all rows with values1 and values2. If you set a text delimiter like a comma or multiple delimiters (using regex) multiple_select filter behaves as a AND condition. Look an example for column 0: Example Is possible to have a javascript function that enables or an AND condition or an OR

How to stop YADCF Filters in Datatables to mess with the headers cell width

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-24 05:23:10
问题 When I add some YADCF filter to the datatable the resizing of the columns get messed up (as seen in te pictures). Is it possible to prevent this? No Filters With Filters --------------- EDIT ----------------- As sugested by Daniel, here's the result: nowrap As you can see, it's not good yet... Why does the yadcf filters increase the size of the TH ? 回答1: It's not yacdf which resizes the column, sizing is a complex thing. yacdf just places a text input element, which inherits certain width

yadcf - custom_select selectize bizarre behavior

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-19 11:05:23
问题 Trying to use custom_select with selectize and I am seeing bizarre behavior. The select field gets duplicated as do the reset buttons, and when I pick one of the selects, the fields multiply. Initializing selectize with var _selectize; yadcf.initSelectPluginCustomTriggers( function($filterSelector) { _selectize = $filterSelector.selectize({}); }, function($filterSelector) { _selectize.refreshItems() }, function($filterSelector) { _selectize.destroy() }); Initializing yadcf with var yadcf

onclick event not work with multi_select filter - javascript

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-12 04:56:25
问题 I read docs here for filter_type but I don't understand how provide thiese arguments onclick event label.lightblue (or label2.lightblue2.. ) for yadcf.exFilterColumn if I want to set filter_type: "multi_select": select_type: 'select2' My code is this: $('#example').on('click', ".label.lightblue", function () { yadcf.exFilterColumn(oTable, [ [5, $(this).text()] ]); }); This is my table: Live Demo Look last column, please. If you click on a tag inside row table you can filtering rows. I change

YADCF multi_select filter with server side

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-12 03:23:22
问题 Working with AngularJS, I have a DataTable() working in serverSide mode, using the YADCF filters. Is it possible to use the multi_select filter (whith chosen or select2) while working on ServerSide? Can I manually introduce the parameters of search? In this case I want to use that filter on the column #6 ("estado") that means "The state" of a proccess. The code from the myApp.controller var table = $('#tbl').DataTable({ stateSave: true, stateDuration: -1, //sRowSelect: "multi", language:

how to use yadcf with DataTables deferRender: true

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-12 03:16:49
问题 I am on DataTable 1.10.11 and yadcf 0.8.9 and using ajax data source. yadcf is working great however the column select filters are not populating with all possible results if I enable deferRender. If I set this to false all possible results appear in the column select filter. Could someone share with me how to get all possible results for the column select filters while using deferRender? Any help is greatly appreciated! BTW I am new to coding so if I did not explain something clearly please

yadcf interface change to exFilterColumn confusion

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-12 03:13:39
问题 I am upgrading the yadcf version on my site from 0.6.9 to 0.8.8. (I'm also upgrading from datatables 1.9.4 to 1.10.10) See the 0.6.9 version at my production site and the 0.8.8 version at my sandbox site I have updated my calls to yadcf.exFilterColumn from two calls to a single call because now the defaults take an array of pairs. But my filtered dataset is empty when the page loads, and I need to select a gender then click all for all the data to show up. I'm sure it's something I'm not

Getting yadcf (for datatables) to work in Angular 2 (jQuery 3)

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-11 02:25:08
问题 I have been using the great plugin yadcf for the datatables library. I have been using this in a view for asp.net mvc 5 with no problems. We are currently migrating the application to Angular 2 with ASP.NET Web Api providing the data. I have moved the code over with minimal changes and have managed to get datatables to work just fine by putting the reference to the datatables library in a script tag on the index.html page that hosts the angular app. I then run the datatables initialisation

DataTables using Export Buttons and YADCF causes select lists to be exported

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-08 11:26:40
问题 Is there a way to use the export buttons and yadcf chozen filter together without messing up the column headers in the export see below the column Order Number has Select appended Order NumberSelect value20766903232802532374885123748865237490732374944323749625x Code: <!doctype html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="description" content="" /> <meta name="keywords" content="" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial